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This Week In History - Dec 8


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History” Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

December 8


“City and County” News A.V. Safely is back on the job, having taken over the management of the Townsend division for the Montana Power Company here again. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Kimpton of Crow Creek Valley were county seat visitors today. Mrs. Hugh Anderson is substitute teaching in the English department of the Broadwater County High School in the place of Mrs. Julia Ross who is a patient in the Broadwater hospital. Mrs. A.C. Carson leaves tomorrow for the east. She will spend two days in Chicago, two days in Michigan, en route to Arlington, New Jersey where she will join her daughter, Miss Helen, for the remainder of the year. Mr. Thierry’s new color shampoo creation. It’s an individual-color shampoo. Will tint and cleanse your scalp and hair. Give your hair new life and that extra special sheen and color you’ve been wanting. I will be glad to help you select the color for your particular type. A 4 oz. bottle 50₵. Out-of-town orders are given prompt attention. Mrs. Marguerite Jewett, Room 2, Gabisch Building.


“Flying School Closed Here" We are sorry to announce that due to the condition of the Townsend Airport, we are unable to continue with flying operations until such time as the present condition is remedied. As you know, the airfield is half-plowed up and because of this condition, it is unsafe for flight operations. At such time as the City and County decided to fix up the south end of the field, we will again be in operation. We wish to thank all the Veterans and private individuals who have been flying with us for their interest in the past and we hope that the Airport situation will be remedied as soon as possible so that we may continue our services with you. Thank you for your patronage and help in the past. From: The Management; Montana Skyways, Inc.; Townsend, Montana


“Staff of Old Baldy Annual is Chosen” The annual staff of the 1956 “Old Baldy” was chosen by the Senior Class at the beginning of the school year. Elected for staff positions were the following: Editor, Phyllis Miller; Assistant Editor, Shirley Flynn; Art Editor, Gordon Welch; Photo Editor, Bill Kearns; Business Manager, Janice Schneider; Advertising Manager, Karen Johnson; Sports Editor, Larry Boster. Old Baldy is a mimeographed six-page paper this month.

1966 “V.F.W. Essay Contest Winners Announced”

“The Voice of Democracy – What It Means to Me” was the title of the essay contest sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary to James Lynch Post No. 4601. Dec. 6, for students, grades 10 through 12 of Broadwater County High School. Of the 28 students who wrote essays, eight participated in the oral readings before the panel of judges. Lee Ann Jersey won first place; Lyla Mann, second, and Rodney Kitto, Ricky Kitto, and Mary Jane Deadmond tied for third place. Other contestants were Scott Whaley, Scott Miller, and Harold Toombs. Lee Ann’s speech will be taped and sent to the state contest. The state winner will go to Washington, D.C. to compete for a $5,000 scholarship. Although all the essays were on the same topic, they were very interesting and well-presented from many different angles. Judges were Mrs. Dale Davidson, Larry Watterson, and Father Kincaid.