Notes From Nd
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Notes from ND
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
I have a week left in Montana. A few days ago, in the late evening, I sat in the front yard with a close family friend. I looked at her and started to vent, “In a few weeks, I won’t be able to wake up and get chastised by my dad for sleeping in too much. My mom and I won’t take our weekly coffee run in Helena. I won’t go to sleep at night with my 17-year-old sister turning on the light to do laundry at the most inconvenient time. I won’t deal with sass from my 11-year-old sister because I told her to be quiet.”
I never thought I would miss these things, but the closer it comes, I realize that I take advantage of the little things that happen daily. Incoming seniors are so excited to go through their last year of grade school; trust me, my sister is thinking the same thing, but they don’t realize that once it is gone there is no going back.
I struggle with overthinking and I tend to stress more about the future rather than worrying about what is right in front of me. This struggle gets to me more and more every single day. Maybe I am not ready to leave, or it is at least far harder than I thought. Maybe I am not prepared to be over eleven hours away from my family.
As much as I overwhelm myself with these thoughts, I know that there will be far more things to get me through this transition. Already, Berlin Korr, whom I have grown up with, will meet me in Fargo as a familiar face to continue our education. The city will be full of things to explore and do. Before I move to Fargo I get to explore the state of Wisconsin, not to mention, when class starts, I will be knee-deep in my studies.
I think of the practical question in Matthew 6:27: “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” Though the question seems silly and the answer obvious, the reminder that worries will not change a single thing is so comforting and full of wisdom at this time. Green Day puts it this way in their song “Good Riddance”: “Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why. It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time.” This transition is just a conglomeration of tests to prepare me for the good things ahead and no matter my fears now, the joys ahead will be so much greater. Maybe, just maybe, I can be ready.