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County Reduces Speed on Mill Street in Radersburg
Author: Linda Kent, MT43 News Staff Reporter

County Reduces Speed on Mill Street in Radersburg

Linda Kent

MT43 News Staff Reporter

Broadwater County Commissioners signed an ordinance reducing the speed on Mill Street and Mill Road in Radersburg to Keating Gulch Road from 35 to 25 miles per hour.

The new ordinance was brought to the commission by County Road Supervisor TJ Graveley following a petition signed by about a dozen Radersburg residents living along the route.

The petition, first presented to commissioners on June 26, cited a number of concerns, including safety, road maintenance, dust reduction, and reducing the speed of vehicles traveling through the community toward the nearby off-highway vehicle staging area.

“Through observation of the traffic on the road and the traffic counter that was out there it actually [indicated] that the speed is above the 35 miles an hour that is posted there,” Graveley told the commission.

He cautioned, however, that posting the lower speed would likely have a limited effect if county sheriff’s officers are not able to enforce it.

Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the new speed ordinance.

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PhotoCredit: Linda Kent Photograph
Image 1 Caption: Concerns about safety, dust, and road conditions led county commissioners to reduce the speed limit on Mill Road from Radersburg to Keating Gulch Road to 25 miles per hour. Linda Kent Photograph
Image 2 Caption: Same as Image 1 caption