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Author: Bill Garwood


Life changes all around us, every day. We can also change our lives, as WE see fit. SOMETIMES we are shown a different way, or path we can follow we just have to be aware of the things happening around us! Anyone who has moved to another city/town or job, knows things will be different and they mostly have to accept the changes and roll with the flow Life gives you. (Confused yet?) Any time I talk about life I naturally refer to Military life, it was over half my life but it mimics civilian life in many ways. Just with small differences, while living my Army life, I ended up moving from one base to another about every 2 to 4 years.

People who move a lot sometimes miss the INTERESTING parts of the new place. With settling to a new place, you can Become someone else! Become a better person, ALL circumstances are different from where you started out. This CAN be a good thing sometimes it’s a bit stressful but worth it! (Yeah, I can see you all scratching your collective heads now.) And if we are aware (there’s that word again) God can show us what we might be missing.

Many years ago, I decided I wasn’t going to stay in the Army. (After 18 years? Yep.) I was going to get out and find that oft imagined GREAT JOB. After many doors slamming in my face, I found nothing! To collect my thoughts and get my head together, Linda told me “Go over to the coast (we were in CA at the time) camp for a couple of days and figure things out.” Well after setting up my campsite and settling in with my camera on a nice rough coastal rock. I waited to think about what I was going to do next. After an hour thinking I was lost, and the Lord decided to intervene.

Where I was sitting, Highway 1, the coastal highway, was about 50 yards behind me. I heard a crash and saw a couple of cars had had an accident, nobody seemed to be hurt at first. I was way up on a rock and couldn’t get to them in time and there were many people around taking over the scene. THEN it happened, the incident that caused my life to change for good. Up from over the mountain (From Fort Hunter Liggett) came a beautiful noisy Huey helicopter, the Army medivac folks were on the scene.

The moment I saw that chopper descending, I “KNEW” where I belonged! Back with MY people, the military. The next day I went home full of life, and happiness! I was going back to my people, the Army. That week I joined the National Guard and became a Track vehicle mechanic. I finished 15 more years and got my active Army retirement! Changes are all around you, BE AWARE of them.