TFAA Community Update for June 2024
Author: Barbara Mutter, Three Forks Ambulance Service
Three Forks Area Ambulance
Barbara Mutter
Three Forks Ambulance Service
Three Forks Area Ambulance had an exciting June.
TFAA had 36 emergency calls.15 transports to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. 4 of these responses needed a paramedic intercept from AMR.
A variety of other emergencies such as, motor vehicle accidents, fires, medical alarms and refusals of transport were handled by our emergency crews.
Three Forks Ambulance participated in our local Farmers Market with $1.00 Ice-Cream Sundaes, while selling BEEF RAFFLE TICKETS. We plan on attending this upcoming Farmers Market on July 11th and 18th with $1.00 Ice Cream Sundaes with BEEF RAFFLE TICKETS to sell. The KG Beef ( 1st prize ½ beef, 2cd and 3rd prizes ¼ beef ) will be raffled off at this year's Three Forks Rodeo on Saturday night July 20, 2024.
FEDDES FAMILY MEATS will custom cut and wrap. You do not need to be present to win!! And we will have tickets to sell at the rodeo as well!
SAWDUST AND STEEL hosted a fundraiser for TFAA on June 15th. A Huge Thank You to Sawdust and Steel and all the wonderful sponsors for the silent auction.
If you are wondering about all these fundraisers, the DOT ambulance grant that was awarded back in October 2021 is HERE!!
Our NEW Ambulance 1 arrived on June 21, 2024! A 2024 Ford – 450 Diesel. However, the funds that were set aside in 2021 to pay for all the additional medical equipment for the new ambulance are not the same money in 2024.
The price of medical equipment has tripled. So, Three Forks Ambulance Crew has been working hard on raising the additional funds to outfit the new ambulance.
The new ambulance is not registered or titled so it is not responding to emergencies yet. We hope to show her off at the Three Forks Parade on July 20th!
On top of responding to calls, the Crew Members have been training. The Emergency Medical Technician class is going great. That training is ongoing till the end of July. We hope to gain 6 more certified National Registered Emergency Medical Technicians. We still need more local folks to step up and volunteer. It helps to spread the load.
We are fortunate to have some pre-med students from Bozeman responding this summer but unfortunately, we will lose some in the fall when they leave for medical school. We were so blessed to have them for the time being.
And we all wish them well in their future studies.
In June we trained with Search and Rescue. The information was very helpful on water rescues and other emergencies that require Search and Rescue to respond out here to the greater Three Forks/Willow Creek Area.
We completed State Certified Traffic Incident Management training in June. TFAA set up a mock accident on Highway 2 and practiced safety procedures while extricating a patient from a motor vehicle crash.
That gave our crew a greater understanding of the hazards in and around the roadways and how to manage the scene for all responders and patients to stay safe!
If you need us to come to your place of business or meet just call:
Barb 406-209-3417 or Jeri 406-285-3554
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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Barbara Mutter
Image 1 Caption: New Three Forks Area Ambulance
Photo Credits: Barbara Mutter