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County Commissioners Meeting Nov. 28, 2022


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Commissioners questioned whether the Meadows III subsequent minor subdivision would meet the criteria for qualifying for approval because the land, located three and a half miles east of Townsend on Highway 284, had been listed as prime farmland and in the fly zone for Townsend Municipal Airport. The proposed new subdivision, owned by MT 4D Properties of Belgrade, Montana, is part of the Meadows Major Subdivision formed in March of 2007 by owner Brad Campbell.

Community Development Director Nichole Brown explained the original Meadows Major Subdivision had been removed from being listed as agricultural land, nor should the proposed subdivision impact neighboring agricultural land. The previous developer retained the water rights which allowed farming on the acreage.

The three-lot, 20- acre minor subdivision will be allowed to have limited livestock if owners make a plan with the MSU County Extension office. Public comment at the Nov. 1 Planning Board meeting included questions by Meadows subdivision landowners about how many head of horses, cattle, goats, sheep or chickens would be allowed. Steve Wyatt questioned whether the 20-acre lots could be subdivided. A third question was what effect more wells and septic tanks would have on the landowners’ wells in the immediate vicinity of the existing subdivisions.

The commissioners asked Acting County Attorney Jania Hatfield to do more research to see if the airport influence notification zone statutes were still applicable to the area around Townsend Municipal Airport. The subdivision proposal will come before the Commission on Dec. 05

During public comment Bernadette Swanson with Schauber Surveying questioned whether the Kirk Family Certificate of Survey would come before the board. Commissioner Folkvord suggested the landowners set up a meeting with the board to discuss the issues involved.