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County Commissioners Meeting Nov. 23, 2022


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

County Commissioners Meeting Nov. 23, 2022 Nancy Marks Last Wednesday the County Commissioners discussed hiring a county surveyor whose office would be combined with the County Clerk and Recorder’s office. Acting County Attorney Jania Hatfield reminded the commissioners Montana State law requires the county to hire a county surveyor. Shawn Rowland currently works as a contractor for Broadwater County. During public comment, Susan Brooks Swimley, a land use lawyer from Bozeman, spoke to the choice of incorporating the county surveyor position with the Clerk and Recorder’s office since the two offices work closely together. Hatfield will draft an order to combine the two offices for the Dec. 05 meeting.

County Planning Board Director Nichole Brown presented amendments to the Baldy Buildings for Lease or Rent (BLR) application. Under condition #2 the developers could lease or rent storage units to individuals but would be prohibited from selling individual units. Hatfield explained she had not done the research to clarify whether the county could restrict sales of private property. She will have the research for the commissioners’ Dec. 05 meeting.

Brown also presented the Headwaters Minor subsequent subdivision for approval of the preliminary plat. The planned subdivision is near Tim’s Diesel and Headwaters Livestock Auction Company in the southern end of Broadwater County. There were several errors in the proposed subdivision application which Brown pointed out. It was given preliminary approval with conditions. Included in those conditions is that the subdivision will be zoned commercial so it will not impact the Three Forks School District. Commissioners pointed out that the prospective buyers should be warned of heavy metals, including arsenic, maybe in the water wells. The subdivision’s preliminary plat approval will be on the agenda for the Nov. 28 commissioner’s meeting.