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We Are, And Must Stay United, And Independent!
Author: Bill Garwood

We Are, and Must Stay United, and Independent!

We are all on the same side: left wing, right wing it’s all on the same bird the American eagle! Enough politics. Along about 1775 – 76, we declared our independence from Great Britain.

The British thought they could rule us from across the sea. “BUZZ, Wrong answer but thank you for playing.”

After a while we “NEW” people, got to calling ourselves Americans. We were outrageous, rowdy, delinquents. We had gotten away from our stuffy parents and we found that we liked being out on our own. But then we learned we had to GO TO WORK, to make a living at this “creating a country” from pretty much nothing. Scary thought, eh?

However, those who chose to be here were farmers, ranchers, and many different types of tradespeople. We knew what had to be done, we just weren’t altogether clear on how to put it together. In stepped the “politicians” God help us all. These were people that even though they “May” have done manual labor years before, they found they were much more adept at talking. Negotiating, and cajoling. (There’s a word for you) In other words they were really good at……B. S. ing the local and not so local populations of several countries.

I have heard it said, “we need Politicians” My first thought is…WHY? Then I get to thinking, as most of us do, would WE want to do all the arguing, and deal-making with folks we don’t even know? Most will answer “Not Bloody likely”! So, these types of folks were needed, (until we found they were raiding our wallets. We mostly turned our eyes away, to let them do their “Jobs”. We had far too much to do getting our crops in, building schools and hospitals. Even the big stone Library that old Ben Franklin assured us we needed. (Along with a Post office, when you could just yell across the street, instead of sending a letter.)

So American came pretty much together, even though there were several that still wanted to stay being British. The country separated into at least 2 different parties, and the haggling has been going on ever since! Britain like many countries today didn’t seem to “Get it” Once folks come from another country, they (mostly) find they really like our freedom and our way of life. And THEY wish to be known as Americans. Nice!

We have one GREAT BIG problem now; millions are coming from other lands that want to change us. They wish to bring their ways here and change the way WE think, and act. IF Americans do not get our act together, we will cease to be! No longer United, no longer Independent! And God help us no longer FREE! Stay well, stay healthy, and stay PREPARED! Be like those first Americans, strong and ready.