This Week In History - July 25
 | Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and
the Cotter Foundation
July 25
“Doings of a Week”
Mrs. J.R. Marks is the possessor of a new Jackson automobile.
We carry the best line of work shoes in the city. Glad to show you - Townsend Merc. Co.
Graveley, Fisher, Rourig and Prosser sold their wool clips this week to J. Dufur, realizing 18 ½ cents.
Last week Ed Johndro and Landlord Smith of the Commercial hotel advertised for some lost horses which strayed away from the Johndro place about the first of the month. After reading the Opinion, Hal Daniels telephoned in that he had the animals and they are now in the possession of their owners. As the boy said, it pays to advertise.
“Crow Creek”
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Massa and daughter, Madeline, were dinner guests Sunday in Lombard at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Swarts and family.
Torbet Hensley and Ivor Jenkins spent several days on Hebgen Lake fishing guests of Don Fullmer at his summer cabin on the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Kimpton were Sunday dinner guests in Livingston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Leary had as Friday afternoon callers Mrs. Wm. Ragen and Mrs. Geo. Zimmerman of Townsend, Ralph Doggett of Cut Bank and Mrs. Ida Lyng of Palo Alto, Calif. who is visiting in Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Spangler and daughter, Mary Sue, entertained Sunday honoring their house guest, Miss Edna Johnson, who is here from Pontiac, Ill,
“Local News”
Bobby Francisco celebrated his 10th birthday Friday evening with the following friends: Ricky Holzwarth, Ricky Kaul, Ronnie Herndon, Mark Chamberlain, Billy Hooks, Bill Bucy, Eddie Armstrong and David Brown. They all barbecued hot dogs and afterward went to the movie.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carmack and children, Roberta and John of Rockford, Wash. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Plymale.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Watterson and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buckingham attended the fall merchandise showing for the Coast-to-Coast stores Sunday in Billings.
“Radersburg News”
A community picnic was held up South Creek Sunday honoring Paul Harris and David Castleberry who are home on furlough.
Rudy Puttin returned to his work in Yellowstone Park Sunday evening after spending the weekend at his home here.
A fish fry up Crow Creek was enjoyed Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and Tom, Misses Vickie Greaves and Connie Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, Jim Sitton and Mr. and Mrs. Art Sitton. Art acted as chef and fisherman.
Townsend visitors this week included Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Bud Harris, Susie and Rita Harris, Art Roberts, Oppie and Allen Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hough.
“Around Town News”
Warren and Carol Hysell, Boise, Id and son, David, and his friend, Nate, were here visiting Warren’s sister, Cindy Howard, and family Tuesday through Sunday.
Valerie Middlemas and Charity and Betty Horne visited Betty’s niece Mary Freer in Great Falls Saturday. Charity stayed to visit for a week while Mary’s daughter Jeannette Freer, came home to spend the week visiting Betty and family.
Tara Gillespie and Kelsey Kynett were recent overnight guests of Audrey and William Plymale, Lynette, LeAnn and Amanda.
Edna and Emil Hanson enjoyed visiting many family and friends while they spent two weeks here from Joliet, IL.