Advice: Who Gives the Best?
Author: Bill Garwood
Advice: Who Gives the Best?
An interesting question, eh? God gives the BEST advice IF we learn to really listen! Some people would say: “Oh you think God talks to you?” Any true Christian can say YES, without a doubt. Again, IF you learn HOW to listen to God’s words, I’m not even talking about his messages through the Bible. I’m talking about those times when you leave a certain place, your home etc.. and you start out heading in one direction but “Something” makes you think, “No I think I’ll go the other way", You don’t know why, but you do and you learn later that IF you had gone the way you originally wanted to go, you would have been involved in some kind of trouble. Congratulations, you have just listened to God!
Sounds too simple, eh? It’s not, but then again God is not complicated. He has very BASIC rules, you know the 10 so I’m not going to repeat them. His greatest hits though are: Love him, and TRY to love everyone else like you would like to be loved. All the commandments are covered under this umbrella.
What about other advice? The kind you get from your neighbors or store owners? I know many people get advice/counseling from mental health professionals. (Why aren’t they called Doctors, or Psychiatrists anymore?) Strangely enough, your neighborhood bartenders can give sound advice. They deal with us nuts…I mean regular customers with all kinds of problems, every day. They used to call our acquaintances who give out advice, “Guardhouse Lawyers”. Probably because they have been in jail, or the guardhouse before. NOT someone who you would want to listen too closely to. If they were so full of great advice, MAYBE they wouldn’t be in the “hoosgow’ to begin with.
Close friends and relatives can USUALLY be relied on to give good advice. If you are asking questions on a certain subject, it might be a good idea to ask the folks who ACTUALLY work in the job you are asking about. Seems logical, doesn’t it?
It reminds me of a story.
A man is driving down a city road, and he gets a flat tire right across the street from an insane asylum. He gets out of his car and looks at the tire, he starts to fix the flat and sees one of the inmates looking at him from behind the fence. The guy is quiet so all is well UNTIL the driver drops 3 of his lug nuts down a drain. He starts to panic, but he hears the inmate say, “Just take one lug nut off the other 3 tires, that way you will be able to drive to a service station”. The driver says “That’s brilliant, what are you doing in there”? the inmate says, “Hey I’m crazy, not stupid!” See advice can come from anywhere, just be careful about using it.