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Broadwater County Fair Open Class Exhibit Information
Author: Jessica Erickson, Broadwater Co Fair Manager

Broadwater County Fair Open Class Exhibit Information

Jessica Erickson

Broadwater Co Fair Manager

The open class Fair Books are available at the Broadwater County Extension and Fair Office at 416 Broadway. They are also available online at Fair entries are due by July 9th. These can be done online or by filling out an entry form and returning it to the Fair Office. If you have been a resident of Broadwater County for a year, you are invited to enter into fair!

Do you have a green thumb? Then entering your produce, flowers or herbs in the Broadwater County Fair might be for you. We have 7 different divisions: outrageous produce, garden produce, fruits, artistic arrangements, annual flowers, perennial flowers, and herbs. Each division has multiple different classes to enter. If your produce doesn’t turn out how you thought it should, enter it in the outrageous produce division where all sizes, shapes, and misfits are welcome. We would love to see what you have been tending to all spring and summer. The horticulture department is the only department that doesn’t require entries to be pre-registered! You can bring them in the day of entry check in on Wednesday, July 31st!

Did you know there are over 60 different classes that you can exhibit a food or drink item in at the fair? Everything from cakes, cookies and candy to salads, charcuterie boards and wine. It may be an everyday food item or special holiday dessert; we encourage you to enter as many classes as desired! We even have a class for those trendy ‘TikTok’ recipes!

In the Fair Book is also a schedule of events for the week and information on the Fair entertainment. We will have FREE music under the tent Friday and Saturday. Along with a pie eating contest, rabbit agility show, pottery, jewelry and painting classes and, of course, our family style DJ dance! Thanks to our wonderful local sponsors, there will be a FREE concert by Bluebelly Junction on Thursday, August 1st at 7:30 pm. This will be set up in the vendor area of the fairgrounds, so bring a chair or blanket to sit and enjoy the music!

We hope to see everyone out at the Fairgrounds this year!