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This Week In History - June 27


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

June 27


“Judge Pool Busy This Week”

A wholesale bunch of farmers were gathered in Wednesday by Sheriff Doggett on a charge of allowing water from their irrigating ditches to flow into the public highway. The charge was preferred by the road supervisor. The cases came up before his honor, Judge Pool, for adjudication, with Prosecuting Attorney Cotter representing the county.

Eight defendants were before the judge as follows: Jas. Gill, Frank Powers, D.J. McCarthy, Con Mannix, Lee Wilson, Jas. McKane, John Whaley and Mrs. Mahony. Lee Wilson and John Whaley, who are located on the Montana Ditch, plead guilty and were fined $5 each. The cases against the other defendants, who are on the Yankee ditch, were discharged. Whaley figured that it would be cheaper to pay the fine than fight the case, at the same time protesting that he was in the right. He even had it figured out that he ought to get off for feeding Doggett the best breakfast he had had in weeks when he came out to arrest him.

“Doings of a Week”

Jeff Doggett, with a thousand sheep on a thousand hills, is loading up the local warehouse with 75,000 pounds of wool this week. Jeff is reported to have sold his output at 19 cents.


“Peggy Petersen Honored on Birth Anniversary”

Miss Peggy Petersen was honored on the occasion of her 14th birthday anniversary when Mrs. F.W. Pinney and daughter, Ann, entertained for her at a picnic and swimming party last Friday.

The guests enjoyed the plunge in White Sulphur Springs and picnic in beautiful Deep Creek canyon en route home. In the party were: Dorothy Ballard, Mary Agnes Ragen, Shirley Sautter, Ernestine Troutman of Helena, Merle Emmert, John Ragen, Pat Hooks, Bobby McCarthy and Peggy Petersen and Ann Pinney.

“Radersburg News”

Mrs. Minnie Holdaway has sold two houses on main street in Radersburg to Robert Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and daughter have moved into one of the houses.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Poe and daughter, Adeline, of the valley were calling on friends and relatives in the Burg one day this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jinks Bomar and family left Sunday for a vacation with friends and relatives in Hastings, Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and family were Townsend callers Friday evening.

George Pennell, Mrs. Guy Tusing and Fay Hough were business callers in Townsend Friday.


“Local News”

Mr. and Mrs. Del Wallace returned Wednesday, June 19, from Pleasantville, N.J., where they had been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Ronald M. Johnson and two children, the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beyers and daughter, Byrl, returned to their home in Toston Saturday from Wheeler, Ore., where Mr. Beyers had spent the past month taking treatments at the Rinehart Clinic.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Watterson and children, Linda and Stevie, spent the week-end near Bozeman with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson.

Mrs. Dave Schledewitz and daughters, Sheryl and Arliss, returned June 14 from Culbertson after visiting relatives and friends there for a week.


“Mayor Upton Honored for Anniversary”

Mary Alice Upton was honored for 10 years of service as mayor of Townsend during the June 18 city council meeting.

The council and their spokesman, Doug Breker, surprised the mayor with a bouquet of flowers, a gift certificate to the Fireside and a new mayoral chair from the council. Breker noted that Upton has been mayor longer than any other mayor in Townsend’s history and has always worked tirelessly for city concerns. Other council members present were Mike Delger, Mike Evans, Jex Hunsaker and Rusty Raisland.

Mayor Upton has been a member of the council for 20 years. She became mayor in June of 1986.