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Who’s In Charge Here?


Bill Garwood
Bill Garwood

Who’s in charge here?

Ok, we ALL know the folks in charge of the seasons, “Old Man Winter” Jack Frost, Mother Nature, Etc. I think lately “whoever” is in charge of Spring, has lost their mind! YES, we need the life-giving rain we need (like every year) all the moisture we can get, that’s understood. So how about we have ONE SEASON AT A TIME!

I was just downtown and thought what a beautiful spring day, sunny only a bit of a breeze and dry. I go into the newspaper office, come out and there is a storm front sweeping in. Dark clouds, and cold wind I expect to hear Rod Serling any minute saying “Imagine, if you will, a town in between normal weather patterns, you have entered the Broadwater Zone!” Yikes I mean come on, this is “Supposed to be“ some kind of at least a beginning of spring, right? This is like getting into a great TV movie and then 14 minutes of commercials! We have timed it 4 minutes of program, 4 – 5 minutes of commercials. And you wonder why the young people have attention problems? Everything is going FLASH, BLINK, FLASH, TALK / HYPE. Aaarrrgh, It’s like the weather around here. Lately, we have watched it rain and snow while it’s SUNNY!

It’s affecting our normal rhythm of life; change isn’t bad as long as you get a chance to catch your breath in between weather tantrums. Am I ranting again? OOPS sorry as I get older, I realize I kind of like a routine. I knew as soon as I got the sprinklers turned on, and the air conditioner all ready to go we would have a cold snap. Sorry it’s my fault, I even got accused of inciting the rain by mowing my lawn! GEEZ, it was getting long. It reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy: “If you mow your lawn and find a Car you might be a Redneck.”

All is good, this is good old Montana weather. We will endure, and enjoy it, mostly. I refuse to say “don’t like the weather, just wait a minute” again. By now it’s echoing from the Mountains sides. There IS something special about having Townsend all GREEN, then looking up at the mountains and seeing snow. Mount Baldy (no relation) with his snow-capped peak. Summer WILL be around soon never fear, then we will all be saying again: “I can’t wait for cooler weather.” Has anyone ever said “It’s too MEDIUM OUT?” I doubt it. So, feel blessed we are getting rain, and endure the rest of the 4 seasons this month. Happy…spring like, type weather.