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This Week In History Dec 1


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

"What Happened This Week in History” Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”

December 1


“Sheriff on Trail of Slot Machine Operators” No date has been set for the hearing of Douglas Pease arrested last Saturday by Sheriff Norman C. Bruce for the possession and operation of gambling devices at his place of business in Toston. A slot machine was confiscated and orders for all such games as “go’d rush” and dice devices and games of chance to be removed.

Slot machines have been banned in Townsend for over a year now, said the sheriff, who says he is going to try and enforce the gambling laws, especially as a preventative against an influx of those who follow the practice, now that there is chance of a decided increase in population. The gambling law protects benevolent societies in carrying on what is termed innocent games of chance for benevolent purposes, he says.


“Winston News”

Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diehl on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lanning and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bisby. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Moe, Mr. Bob Myles, Mr. Warren Myles and Mr. Alex Doig were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson at the East Pacific mine on Thanksgiving. The Wayne Herrington family enjoyed a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnson. Miss Margo Welch of Townsend spent the week end last week with Norene Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. George Baum were hosts at a dinner party Saturday evening entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jess Campbell of White’s Gulch, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baum, Bill Johansen and other friends.


"College Students Get Home to Eat Turkey”

College students who arrived here for the Thanksgiving holidays have all returned. They were Barbara Shuman, Patsy Kieckbusch, Glenn Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kieckbusch, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimpton, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gravage, Marie Seaman, from MSC at Bozeman; Pete Sullivan, Dick Davey and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sullivan and Donald and Ronald Marks from Carroll College in Helena.

Three students who are attending school in Spokane were home, Miss Nan Ragen from Holy Names; Miss Patricia Nash from Gonzaga; and Miss Geraldine Nave from Kinman Business College. Miss Janet Fryhling returned to Tacoma where she is in her sophomore year at Pacific Lutheran College having had over a week at home. Kenneth Williams is at the University at Missoula and Miss Marjorie White is from Rocky Mountain College in Billings. Glenn “Tex” Williams is attending Western College of Education at Dillon.


“Bud Davis Heads Ski Club This Year”

The reorganization meeting of the Grassy Mountain Ski Club was held last Tuesday evening in the court house. Election of officers was held with the new officers being: Bud Davis, president; Dick Anderson, vice president and Edward Sherwood, secretary-treasurer.

During the business meeting reports on the work that had been done at the ski run on Grassy Mountain were given. They have increased the power on the lift, remodeled the rope tow and are doing some remodeling inside the chalet. Movies of the local run were shown following the meeting.

Approximately 20 people were in attendance.

“Local News” There will be a square dance at Johnson Saturday night, Dec. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hunter, who have been living in Cut Bank, have moved to town and are at home in the Poole apartment on Broadway.

Students home from the University of Montana in Missoula for the holiday were: Gloria Fryhling, Sharon Rains, Bob Lundborg, Ray Thompson, Ted Ulmer, Ted Flynn, Keith Williams, Clark and Bruce Whitehead, Gene and Bob Thompson, Skip Sherwood, Nancy Marks and Jerry Waling.

Among students from Montana State University in Bozeman for the holiday weekend were: Joel Flynn, Bob Flynn, Bonnie Bruce, Bonnie Plymale, Felicity Dagnall, Marie Kirscher and Cindy Holland.

Northern Montana College students home for the holidays were Jex Hunsaker, Bob Miller, Terry Harris, Dean Massa and Tom Williams. From Easter Montana College in Billings Trudy Bucy was home. Home from Rocky Mountain College in Billings were Rodney Davis and Larry Lundborg. James Etzwiler was home from the University of Washington in Seattle.

Among students home from Western Montana College in Dillon for the holiday were: Marcia Lots, Harry Buckingham, Chuck Smith, Jim Nave, Linda Walker and Judy Crum.