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National Day Of Prayer Gathering Draws A Crowd


Matthew Nelson, contributing writer
MT43 News Correspondent

National Day of Prayer Gathering Draws a Crowd

The 73rd Annual National Day of Prayer was observed in Broadwater County by 13 representatives from several church denominations.

Roland Heaton welcomed the group of around 100 people and thanked Townsend Fire Chief Ed Shindoll for hosting the event. Keynote speaker, Chuck Blair, gave an accounting of his accident at Trailhead church when he fell from the scaffolding while working on the new expansion. Blair, age 70, suffered severe neck injuries. He spoke of his healing as a miracle because of his strong faith. Blair and his wife Kathy moved to Montana in l985 and now live near Toston.

Townsend Hardware owner JB Howick spoke on behalf of the business community. In a prayer, he asked for blessing for the business leaders in town and this country. He asked that the businesses continue to support our schools and government. Don Hettinger, a Messianic Jew, spoke on behalf of all Broadwater County farmers and ranchers, praying for rain, good crops and that they all have abundant hay, grain, calves and gardens for this season.

Elk Horn Community Fellowship Baptist Church Pastor Eric Crusch represented Townsend’s first responders asking for “ wisdom to accomplish the tasks at hand and to keep our community safe.”

Amie Taylor asked for prayers for heart and courage for first responders to be able to work tirelessly to save people’s lives, to put out fires and to stand by in times of need


American Legion Unit 42 Auxiliary Chaplain Judy Lund spoke of honoring our veterans and offered a prayer to watch over these special men and women.

Others who spoke were Townsend United Methodist Church minister, Mele Moa, on behalf of the youth in our community; Seventh-Day Adventist Pastor Ney Khut asked for prayers for new and temporary residents in our town and county; Roland Heaton spoke on behalf of those needing to hear the teachings; Mike Stevenson asked for prayers for those in need of healing. He recited the Serenity Prayer.

LaVerne Heavirland led a prayer on behalf of the United States while Holy Cross representative, Terry Love, spoke on behalf of world leaders and an end to war. Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints representative, Monica Howick concluded the event with a message of God’s Love.

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PhotoCredit: Photo Credits: Matt Nelson
Image 1 Caption: Back Row: Monica Howick, Laverne Heavirland, Judy Lund, Ney Khut, Chuck Blair, Dean Nygaard, Jen Dalrymple, Linda Cousineau Front Row: Mele Moa, Latasha Wirtz, Roland Heaton, Michael Stevenson, Terry Love, and Don Hettinger Photo Credits: Matt Nelson
Image 2 Caption: Amie Taylor and Roland Heaton Photo Credits: Matt Nelson