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Letter To The Editor: Concerning Rep Jane Gillette
Author: Darin Gaub

Concerning Rep Jane Gillette

Dear Editor,

In a recent mailing sent out to Representative Jane Gillette’s district, where she is again running for the Montana House, she’s accused of voting to “defund” the Montana National Guard. Shame on the dishonest person who created it, for it is a blatant lie. House Bill 527, known as the “Defend the Guard Act,” had nothing to do with funding the National Guard. It was solely about ensuring that Congress declares war before members of the National Guard are sent into overseas combat based on the whims of the President. In fact, Rep. Gillette proved she is a true conservative by voting for the bill and the U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 8 makes it clear.

As a retired senior military officer with over twenty-eight years of operational experience on active duty and in the National Guard working budgets, personnel, equipment, basing requirements, and global strategies, I can say with absolute authority that Rep Gillette voted correctly on HB 527.

But will her opponents come forward and admit to their lie? I doubt it.

Darin Gaub