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Meteor Fireball explodes over Broadwater County


Jeff Ross

Meteor Fireball explodes over Broadwater County Jeff Ross On November 20, 2022, at 4:11 am my automated aurora cameras caught an amazing and relatively rare event. A meteor, probably from the recent Leonids meteor shower, exploded over Broadwater County.

After watching the full video from that night's run ( I quickly realized I'd captured something far more. I extracted the best image and a short clip of the video and uploaded them both to the American Meteor Society's web page for reporting fireballs.

Monday morning I got an email from a postdoc graduate student asking if I'd send him the "rawest" images I had of the event. As I was preparing an even 10 unprocessed images to send I discovered that I had captured an unbelievable series of images.

Words will not describe this fireball. I made a short 12-second video and posted it on my Starhouse Observatory web page.

You can view the video of the fireball at

If you happened to see this fireball in real time please send an email to and let me know!
