Prom Night
 | Author: Mikayla Kraft, MT43 News Correspondent MT43 News School Correspondent |
Prom Night
Mikayla Kraft
MT43 News Correspondent
April 27th was a night that gave all high school students the opportunity to dance the night away and the parents to watch proudly as their children walked the Grand March to show off their beautiful dresses and handsome tuxedos. Most of the high school attended and enjoyed jumping to music played by Zach Wickens in the 63 gym.
This year's theme was Tangled In the Memories and the juniors did a spectacular job setting up for it. It was covered in purple and white. The tables each had a floating lantern centerpiece. To add to the beauty of the scene, the aisle was lined with the same floating lanterns, and the archway was filled with beautiful flowers.
The prom went late into the night playing hits like Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs, Fergalicious by Fergie, and Party in The USA by Miley Cyrus. Unlike many years, the chairs were barely used and the students were all out on the dance floor.
However fun the actual dance was, prom wouldn’t be prom without the royalty. The Prom Prince was Eric Humphreys and the Princess was Abby Wickens. They both showed off their crowns and loved representing the junior class. Wyatt Robertson and Emily Bird proudly represented the top dogs of Broadwater High School as the Prom King and Queen. The royalty was chosen by the entire high school and couldn’t have been more deserved by these students.
The prom wrapped up that night after most students had left the dance. It will be a memory that will live on in the minds of these students for years to come. We, as a high school, thank all of the parents and community members who supported us, the teachers who stayed out late to chaperone, and the junior class who planned and set up the event.