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Letter To Editor Supporting Kyle Mcmurray
Author: Angela Janacaro


A neighborly response to the nasty campaign mailer recently sent out by Jane Gillette since I know she isn’t from these parts and needs to learn a few things about Montana communities. We respect an individual’s right to harbor political and religious views different from our own. We do not attach hyperbolism and exaggeration to people who have been our friends and neighbors for years just to buy a few votes. In fact, we find that offensive. Her untruthful attack on Kyle McMurray has proven she will do anything to win. She even moved from the legislative district she represented in the posh Four Corners/Big Sky area when it looked as though the district might no longer support her. She built a fancy new house in our community and calls herself one of us. Now that’s extreme!!

This candidate will knock on your door, she will walk the walk, and she will talk the talk, but she is not genuine and she certainly does not understand the issues facing rural communities. Her campaign is based in power-hungry individualism

The real deal candidate in HD 77 is Kyle McMurray. He is, and always has been, our neighbor. Kyle McMurray will work hard as our representative to keep our best interests on the table.

A vote for Kyle McMurray is a vote for us, as a community.

Angela Janacaro

Townsend, MT