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Letter To The Editor: Elect Kyle McMurray
Author: Chuck and Carol Feddes

Elect Kyle McMurray

Dear Editor;

It has been a long time since the 1860s when ambitious men moved to Montana to claim and tame land. Back then, it was a matter of choosing it and then doing the work to make it produce a living. Today it’s still doing the work but now a person must be able to afford the taxes every year, and our water rights are being threatened from many angles. The government is coming up with new ways to tell us how to raise our cattle (or not) and whether or not our product is beneficial to the environment. While they say “follow the science,” there seems to be different science trails for different people.

I also have concerns about the things schools introduce to my grandchildren. Parents should have a right to know what their kids are doing at school. Kyle McMurray understands Montana values and wants them preserved.

We need people with common sense and who will study the issues to represent us in Helena. Kyle McMurray has lived in the Gallatin Valley his whole life. He understands agriculture people. His father, Russ McMurray worked at Kamp Implement for better than 6 decades.

I believe we should elect Kyle McMurray for House District 77 and let him fight for his friends and neighbors here in the Gallatin Valley. Vote Kyle McMurray June 4.


Chuck & Carol Feddes