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Common Sense
Author: Bill Garwood

Common Sense

Bill Garwood

I’m Baaaack! Just when they thought they’d shut me up; yeah, that never works. I mean, I am back to give you my loyal readers the true, good stuff! Let’s start with an oldie but a goodie.

Can you hear it? Riders racing through the night, some in old trucks some on horseback and one clown on a skateboard. Hear their cries to one and all, especially farmers, ranchers and ladies with gardens.

Tis the time! The seasons are on the verge of changing, so the riders are on their sacred mission. THE FARMER’S ALMANAC IS HERE! That book of arcane knowledge that helps one and all with crops, animals - and a few crossword puzzles.

A book so American it is STILL printed with a punch hole in the cover for hanging in outhouses. Go look it’s there. The changing of the seasons is here; don’t swear like that. After an “interesting” wind, hail, rain, fires this summer probably won’t hang around much longer. Summer knows the writing is on the wall. Ever wonder what exactly that means? And who are these jerks writing on our walls? No matter fall is on the way.

Somewhere around Punxsutawney, PA there is a groundhog screaming, “It’s not my fault I don’t say crap until March, besides I’m just a rodent, not a weather forecaster”. Up here we can still feel the chill in the air, then it will be 80s. However, we know cooler weather is on the way.

I love the cooler weather, we have had a hot summer, but cooler weather seems to bring people alive, they have a little more energy and don’t mind working out in it much. As long as you have warmer clothing.

There was a story years ago about a teacher who wanted students to bring in fall leaves of many colors. Unfortunately, that year the leaves didn’t turn as early, so the teacher spread some leaves out on her driveway and was spray painting them. Her neighbor saw her and said, “I always wondered what Mother Nature looked like”.

Most mornings before going to work many of the locals gather for a morning coffee, soda, etc. to discuss the farmer’s Almanac, football or other things of great importance. This is the American way, passing along information…or just shooting the breeze. Talking about the Almanac does pass needed information around, on planting, gardening or weather for range tending. So, what better place than the local watering hole?

Old knowledge should NEVER be lost, these things that our ancestors passed down to help our lands and country. The was a series of books published years ago called the Foxfire books, much old knowledge in there is saved for future generations, if they care to read it.

Several magazines also pass along olde ways of doing things, like Backwoodsmen magazine. Knowledge about living simply and well. Just because something isn’t electronic or have a flashing light on it doesn’t make the facts and knowledge useless.

Turn off the electricity and watch the young folks scramble! Me? I just light an oil lamp and go back to reading.

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PhotoCredit: Bill Garwood
Image 1 Caption: Common Sense logo