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This Week In History - May 9


Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator
Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor

“What Happened this Week in History”

Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation

May 9


“Doings of a Week”

O’Connor, as the undertaker, and Fick McCormick, as the hearse driver, ought to do a slam-banging good business in this neck o’the woods. O’Connor has been doing so much embalming however that he has almost got the same fluid into himself, and Fick is pickled, so there isn’t much chance to dig the moss off their backs with a Tillman pitch fork. The only fault this paper has to find with them is that they don’t get busy and bury some of the stiffs who are walking around town to save funeral expenses. But as it is if a real live undertaker and driver were to come along both of these boys would fall into his hands.

“Teachers Pass Examination”

Miss Barker, county School Superintendent, reports the following as successful applicants for certificates to teach school in this county: Misses Edna Simms, Edna Ragen, May Cotter, Susie Cass, Florence Averill, Anna Hazelton, Clara Vaughn and Anna Wilson. One lone male in the person of Clarence Bruce also got by and was given permission to wallop the youngsters.


“Personal News”

Seven Broadwater county men went to Helena Monday evening to attend a special meeting of Helena Lodge No. 3 A.F. and A.M. In the party were H.E. Balhiser and son Robert, Fred W. Schmitz, Frank Holloway, Roy Noble, Cleveland Wallace, Howard Wallace, the Rev. Ernest J. Mills and Clifford Mockel.

Mrs. Allan Graveley and three children motored to Boulder Monday to attend the birthday party of her little niece, Miss Trenna Lee Hollaway. The following day Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollaway accompanied by Miss Roxy Ray Ward and Miss Marjorie Ward motored to pay respects on the fifth anniversary of their little granddaughter, although a day late.

Several from Townsend attended a Montana Club dinner-dance Saturday evening of last week. They were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. Ed O. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Cooley, Dr. Wm McElwee and Miss Jean Junod.


“Students Attend State Music Meet”

Unless changes are made in policy by the State High School Association, high school music students have attended their last all state festival. Next year five regional festivals will be held to replace the all-state meets held at Missoula and Billings.

The chorus members from western Montana were privileged to work under Mr. Richard Condie, director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The repertoire for this group included eight sacred numbers which were adequately prepared before the students left for Missoula.

The piano quartet, Marcia Moudree, Marilyn Hoffman, Anita Olsen and Wayne Hoffman won a superior rating for their work as did Wayne and Marilyn Hoffman for their piano duet. Dixie Turman and Karen Hudson also received a superior rating for their piano-duo. Anita Olsen and Marilyn Hargrove were awarded a superior for their duet.

Marilyn Hargrove, Marcia Moudree and Marilyn Hoffman received an excellent rating and Bill Kitto, excellent for his vocal solo.

Good ratings were awarded the piano duet of Patricia Perry and Janet Richardson. Wayne Hoffman received this rating for his piano solo.

“Local News”

Sally Christie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Christie, was 12 years old Sunday and several guests were invited to a party to help her celebrate the occasion. A hay ride during the afternoon provided entertainment for the group followed by a turkey dinner with a birthday cake. Invited guests were Beverly Page, Susan Hooks, Mary Ragen, Susan Vick, Arlis Schledewitz, Donna Francisco, Cindy Kirksey, Leslie Grossman, Guyla Ewing, Patti Jo Sayer, Laurie Smith, Janet Etzwiler and Matthew, Mark and Mike Meyer, cousins of the honored guest.


“Around Town News” by Mary Pat Martin

April 26 Bernice Cartwright was surprised with a birthday party honoring her on her 85th birthday. The party, held at the senior center, was hosted by her daughter, Carol Somers.

Monday Barney Johnson took son, Dale, to the airport at Belgrade where he enplaned for Salena, Kan., where he will be attending a welding school for three weeks.

Sunday Chuck and Eleanor and her mother, Alta Townsley, visited Gary and Judy Olsen.

John and Martha Schmidt returned last Monday from Bismarck, N.D. where they attended the funeral of her sister, Leontin