This Week In History - May 2
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the Cotter Foundation
May 2
“Doings of a Week”
Lee Rader, a native son of Broadwater County and son of an old pioneer, was over from Radersburg Saturday, accompanied by Chas. Blackman, Louis Guizzo and John Schivan. The town of Radersburg was named in honor of Mr. Rader’s father.
The Confederate Creek farm made a purchase last Saturday of two extra good spans of work horses from Jim Marks, one of the well known stockmen of Broadwater County.
Thos. Dixon was in Helena this week taking both rest and medical treatment. His many friends here hope that he may soon be enjoying some better health.
Billy Taylor, photographer of Helena and well known in Townsend was in town Monday circulating among old friends. Incidentally, he took home with him the big trout caught by Arthur Ellis.
Between scrapping with the down-trodden Opinion man and scooting over the county with his benziene wagon on various and sundry real estate deals, Al Davidson has been as busy this week as a married man explaining to his wife why he couldn’t find the door knob at 3 a.m. in the morning.
Lawrence Berg has forsaken one error of his ways and has taken up another. He has quit dealing out booze over the bar and will, hereafter, weigh his hand along with meat to the Toston people. Berg & Gabb are the new proprietors of the Grieves meat market in that town, and the numerous friends Lawrence has, not only in Townsend, but in the whole county wish him well.
“Toston-Townsend Road Posted for 35 Mile Limit”
We have escaped fatal accident so far on Townsend-Toston road during its construction,” Said Patrolman Raymond Jones today, “and we want to continue the record until dangers are eliminated from the road under construction,” he said. To this end a thirty-five mile an hour limit has been placed on the stretch between these two towns during the graveling and oiling process, the patrolman announced today.
Fast driving noticed on the road in the last few weeks has caused the highway patrol to take cognizance of the fact that there is extra danger with the construction going on. Cutting down to 35 miles should save major accidents anyway, the officials believe in taking the precaution.
“Personal News”
Mary Ann Petersen was a week-end guest of Betty McKenzie at the family home on Deep Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Green and Mr. and Mrs. K.P. Thurston attended the junior prom in Neihart last Saturday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stewart.
Several Townsend women attended the meeting of the Woman’s Club in Canton Wednesday. They were Mrs. M. Antonetti, Mrs. John Sorensen, Miss Vera Sorensen, Miss Marylin Myers.
“Woman’s Club to Hold Final Meeting”
The last meeting of the Townsend Woman’s Club will be held next Tuesday evening, according to the president, Mrs. R.M. O’Hearn. The meeting will be conducted by a hostess committee consisting of Mrs. S.E. Sutherland, Mrs. D.J. McKillican and Mrs. Geo. Kieckbusch and will be held in the home of Mrs. T.N. Averill.
Mrs. Mary Leh and Miss Ethel Jarussi are in charge of the program. The meeting is being held on Tuesday night instead of the regular night, Monday, owing to an “open house” at the high school.
“Confirmation at Holy Cross this Saturday Evening”
Bishop Raymond Hunthausen of Helena will confer the sacrament of confirmation to forty young people and three adults of Holy Cross Church Saturday evening at 7:30.
Members of the confirmation class are Donna Francisco, Brent Helmick, Susan Hooks, Billy Kirley, Matthew Meyer, Mary Ragen, Tom Ragen, Peggy Ryan, Diana Sitton, Danny Tintinger, Rita Harris, Cynthia Roberts, Mary Beth Berberet, Barbara Booher, Mike Delger, Rhonda Helmick, Jill Lanning, Doris Jean Lewis, Cathy McNulty, Mark Meyer, Jane Nelson, Virginia Ouren, Jack Ragen, David Sitton, Patty Tintinger Mark Kieckbusch, Beth Delger, Mike Descharm, Linda Gabisch, Gail Graham, Ann Meyer, James Nelson, Bobby Ouren, Danny Ragen, Patricia Ragen, Valerie Waling, Diana Walker, Barbara Harris, Karen Smith, Deanna Trotchie, Robert Masolo and Roland McHenry.
Following confirmation, there will be a social hour in the youth center of the church. Ladies of the church will serve refreshments.
“Around Town News” by Mary Pat Martin
Trish Vanzanko, Louie and Gracie and Mary Berberet, Spokane, were week-end visitors with their parents, Bill and Grace Berberet and with their sister and family, Barbara and Rick DeMartin, Levi and Jessie.
Lela and Kenneth Biggs, Ethel O’Hern, John O’Dell, Olive Middleton and Ted Line traveled to Deer Lodge to attend a meeting of the Railroad Morris Code Club.
Helen Burmaster spent Friday through Sunday attending a Lutheran Women’s Retreat at the Flathead Bible Camp. Guest speaker was Mardella Bieber Brock, Bozeman, who is a former Townsend resident.
Jo Lewis and Doris Mingay visited Jo’s sister, Mary Miller of Libby in Helena Friday at the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mick and Ed Benson.