Vanessa Flynn, Candidate For School Board Election
Author: Vanessa Flynn, Candidates for School Board Election
Hello! I am Vanessa Flynn. My family moved to Main Street Townsend at the end of 1991, where my younger brothers and I subsequently enrolled at Cecelia Hazelton Elementary. I later went on to earn an Associate of Arts degree from Crown College, came back to Townsend, and married a sixth-generation farmer in 2004. I am currently a stay-at-home mom to our 4 children, ages 10-17. Being a homemaker, I felt I had the time to serve on the school board that many other working parents do not. It’s important to me that the school board has a mom’s perspective, which has been my privilege to provide for the last 6 years. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be involved in the most important part of our fantastic community: our children!
Vanessa Flynn