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Jason Noyes, Candidate For School Board Election
Author: Jason Noyes, Candidate for School Board Election

I grew up in Livingston, MT, and attended Montana State University where I received my bachelor's degree. I met my wife Karen, a Broadwater High School graduate while attending MSU. We were married in the summer of 1997 and moved to Toston right after college. We soon decided that Broadwater County would be our permanent home and farming would be our career. We set our roots in the Townsend community and raised our family on the farm. We have four children, three of whom have attended and graduated from Townsend, and our youngest, Kaitlyn, is a sophomore at Broadwater High School. My oldest son Tyler is an Agriculture Education teacher in Three Forks, my daughter Taylor is currently working in Texas involved with embryo transfer work in the cattle industry, and my son Colton is a sophomore at MSU studying Plant Science.

Being a part of the Townsend school board had long been an interest of mine. My involvement with the Broadwater County 4-H program ignited a desire to play a larger role in the growth and development of Townsend’s students. In 2018, I was visiting with a current trustee who indicated that his term was expiring, and he was ready to be finished if someone else was willing to step up. That conversation set things in motion for placing my name on the ballot. In May of 2018, I was elected for my first 3-year term.

I learned quickly that the involvement and time commitment of being on the board was significantly greater than I had anticipated. However, the reward and sense of accomplishment have also been greater. As trustees, we are there to help develop a long-range vision and set the direction of the district through careful development of policies. I have spent the last 6 years trying to learn and understand every aspect of how our public school systems operate. From examining the annual budget to studying several hundred policies, there is a great deal to know and understand. The learning never stops, even for a trustee.

Why am I running again? I know this important work will never end and I am confident that I can work collectively with the board to guide and direct education in this community. There are challenges facing public education right now and having a strong, informed board of trustees is essential to meeting the goals of our community. Our job is to hire the right personnel, set the right goals, and determine the best practices to help every student achieve individual success. We have incredible students, amazing staff members, and a supportive community, all key components to a successful Montana school district.

As a trustee, I have always tried to listen to the concerns and suggestions from all angles. If re-elected, I will continue to approach each decision in the board room with an open mind, accurate information, and a desire to see each student reach their full potential. I want to thank everyone who has continued to support and encourage me to continue in this role.

Jason Noyes