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Three Candidates Vie For Two Seats On School Board/voting Only By Mailed Ballots


Nancy Marks, MT43 News Reporter
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

Three Candidates Vie for Two Seats on School Board

Voting Only by Mailed Ballots

Nancy Marks

MT43 News Reporter

Jayson Noyes and Vanessa Flynn are seeking re-election to three-year terms on the Townsend School District No.1 board of trustees, challenged by newcomer Audrey Martin. Ballots are to be mailed to the district’s registered voters next Monday, April 22.

Angie Paulsen, Broadwater County clerk and recorder, and election administrator, served notice that the election will be conducted by mailed ballots only. Regular polling places will not be open. Ballots must be returned by mail or be dropped off at her office, 515 Broadway Street, Townsend, to arrive no later than 8 p.m. on the official election day of May 7.

Paulsen said that if you do not receive a ballot and believe you should, a ballot may be obtained at her office.

Daniel Truesdell, currently serving by appointment to the five-member school board, is unopposed in his bid for election to a one-year term. As an unopposed candidate, he will be elected by acclamation and his name will not be on the ballot.

Holdover members of the board are Chase Ragen and Jason Kool.

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Photos provided by candidates
Image 1 Caption: Winston resident Audrey Martin Photos Provided by Candidates
Image 2 Caption: Vanessa Flynn, incumbent School Board member who is running for a three-year term. Photos Provided by Candidates
Image 3 Caption: Jason Noyes, incumbent School Board member is running for a three-year term. Photos Provided by Candidates