This Week In History - Nov 24
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
“What Happened this Week in History” Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and The “Cotter Foundation”
November 24 1938
“Toston News” Bill Berberet left for California Wednesday where he will visit friends and relatives. Miss Mary Berberet of Butte spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berberet, in Toston. Jake Ross is spending a few days with relatives and friends in Helena. Jack Berberet of Helena spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Toston. Edward Conrad, who is attend college in Bozeman, spent Saturday evening with relatives in Toston and Townsend. Miss Verna Rudeck of Helena spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rudeck and family, in Toston.
“Carnival for High School Nets $744” The annual Broadwater County High School carnival, held last Saturday night, was a complete success both financially and socially. An unusually large crowd enjoyed the variety of entertainment that was offered, according to D.D. Cooper, superintendent of schools. Of the event Mr. Cooper said: “Due to the generosity of the parents and business people in donating prizes, the expenses were held to a minimum and thanks to the large, generous crowd who attended the carnival, the net proceeds were $744.10. $100 of this sum has been distributed to the elementary grades and high school organizations who assisted with the booths and other entertainment. The balance goes to the athletic department and will be used for paying outstanding bills and the purchase of new basketball uniforms. “It was intended to list all of the donors of merchandise, but there were so many that it would be virtually impossible to list them all. However, every merchant and business man in Townsend and a very large number of parents from all over the county contributed generously. “We wish to express our appreciation to these people and to those who helped in the kitchen and booths during the carnival. “The minstrel show produced by Mrs. Mosier and her 5th grade students was delightful and enjoyed by a great many people. “The carnival was directed by Coach Radakovich, assisted by all of the elementary and high school teachers and “B” club members. “Mr. Heberle’s shop boys helped with the construction of booths and Norman Sanderson acted as straw boss. “Last year, the profits from the carnival went to the music department, this year to the athletic department and present plans are that next year they will go to the dramatics department for stage equipment.”
“Winston News” Mrs. Ned George returned home Wednesday from Wenatchee, Wa. where she had spent a week visiting her sister and her ninety-year-old father. She drove her car and was accompanied from Helena by a friend, Mrs. Helen Lehmann. Mary Hagbom walks around her home a little now. Progress has been slow, but we rejoice with her parents that she is gradually coming back to normal. Charlie Masolo sold some of his bulls at the big sale in Butte November 12. He placed fifth with a pen of three bulls and one of his bulls brought third highest price paid at the sale. Not bad, Charlie. “East of Townsend News” Donald George Graveley arrived home Saturday from Norfolk, Virginia. He has completed his three years active duty with the navy. His sisters, Mrs. Joe Monico of Anaconda and Mrs. Gary Welch were home Saturday for a reunion of the seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Graveley. Ronald Marks will board the Milwaukee train at Three Forks Thursday morning for his all-expense paid trip to National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. Miss Barbara Shuman, student of nursing at Montana State College in Bozeman, will spend the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Shuman. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Iverson and three children expect to spend Thanksgiving with relatives in Utah. Highway markers indicating curves have been put up, along our new highway. We still need stop signs at all roads.
“Crow Creek News” Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conrad and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark of Toston attended the Obern Kirchen Children’s Choir Concert in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lucas and boys of Helena spent from Thursday through Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber and family. The men enjoyed hunting for a few days. Mrs. Abe Fandrich was guest of honor Wednesday evening at the Ray Horne home in celebration of her birthday. She was presented with a gift. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barringer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heuer, Mrs. Bertha Hinch, Abe Fandrich and son, Abe, all of Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kitto and family were hosts at an early Thanksgiving dinner. Guests were Misses Pearl and Mary Kitto and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kitto and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kitto of Winston were unable to attend because of bad weather. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sanderson and boys of Bozeman were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sanderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber and family visited Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bieber.