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4-h Members Compete In Contests


Allison Kosto, MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent
MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent

Allison Kosto

MSU Broadwater County Extension Agent

Contests have a long history in the 4-H program and are a fun way for 4-H members to receive recognition, learn new skills and build confidence. This year, the 4-H County Contest Extravaganza took place on Sunday, March 17th at the Methodist Church and Broadwater High School.

Kicking off the afternoon was the Hooked-on Cooking Contest where members, ages 8-13, cook and develop skills for a safe, nutritious and proper presentation of food. The theme this year was “Luck of the 4-H’ers”. Some participants incorporated the theme into their dish while others decorated a baked item related to the theme. They could participate individually or with a partner. The overall winner, receiving a purple ribbon, was Kathryn Six. Purple ribbons were awarded to Magdalena Delgado and a team of Evie Moos and Hallee Harrigfeld.

Next was the Communications Contest. This was formerly known as the Speech and Demonstration Contest but has expanded to several different categories. In the senior division, Kyla Meissner participated with a self-created video entitled “Making Sour Cream Muffins” and received a purple ribbon and the overall prize. She is eligible to attend the Montana 4-H Congress in the event. Also in the senior division, Karolyn Schmaus participated in the impromptu speech contest and received a blue ribbon.

Moving on to the junior division of the Communications Contest, Addyson Mosher took the overall prize and a purple ribbon with her demonstration on horse parlor. Also doing demonstrations or illustrated talks were Rigoberto Delgado, Magdalena Delgado, Abigail McCauley and Calvin McCauley with blue ribbons, and Karter Schmaus with a red ribbon. Emma Delgado received a blue ribbon in the prepared speech category.

For the Quilt Show, Karolyn Schmaus showcased a quilted table runner, winning a purple ribbon and the overall prize. Cloverbuds, who are members 5 to 8 years old, were able to participate in an educational activity. Participants were Oliver Delgado, Brooklyn Harrigfeld, Ryal Lancello, Evan McCauley and Thea Moos.

After the contests, participants were recognized and received ribbons. Congratulations to all of the participants for a great day! THANK YOU to all of the 4-H leaders, parents and judges who helped with the event! We couldn’t have done it without you! For more information about 4-H, please contact the MSU Extension Office in Broadwater County at 406-266-9242 or 4-H is a youth development program of Montana State University Extension.

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Image 1 Caption: Evie Moos and Hallee Harrigfeld participate in the 4-H Hooked on Cooking Contest. Photo Credit: Karen Noyes
Image 2 Caption: 4-H Contest participants. Left to Right: Calvin McCauley, Abagail McCauley, Emma Delgado, Magdalena Delgado, Addyson Mosher, Rigoberto Delgado, Kyla Meissner, Karolyn Schmaus and Karter Schmaus. Photo Credit: Karen Noyes