April Palindromes
| Author: Brenda Phillips Brenda Phillips: MT43 News Office Administrator |
Brenda Phillips
I found something interesting about some special dates in April 2024 and thought I would share it.
In the 21st century (2000 – 2099) there are 12 palindrome days.
What is a palindrome? It is something that can be read the same forward or backward. Examples of palindrome words are mom, level, civic, racecar, deed, and my favorite taco cat!
This can also apply to numbers and especially dates. The first date this century was on October 2, 2001 (10-02-2001), and the last one will be September 9, 2090 (09-02-2090) using the mm-dd-yyyy format. The other 10 straight days fall in April of 2024.
4/20/24 4/21/24 4/22/24 4/23/24 4/24/24 4/25/24 4/26/24 4/27/24 4/28/24 4/29/24
In the 19th (1800- 1899) & 20th Century (1900-1999) there were no 8-digit palindrome dates (mm-dd-yyyy) and there were 36 dates with 7-digit format (m-dd-yyyy). There will be 53 Palindrome dates in the 22nd century (2100- 2199). This information came from the University of Portland website.
My birthday (2-21-2122) will be a palindrome 2212122, but I won’t be here to see it!
Dates like 10/10/10 are special days and are lucky in the Chinese calendar but are not palindromes.