This Week In History - October 27
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
1938 “Large Crowd at Church Festival”
Twelve attractive gifts were awarded at the close of a gay church festival here Tuesday evening when more than 300 people attended the annual bazaar of the Altar Society of the Roman Catholic Church and entered into the games and enjoyed the chicken dinner. Following is the list of prize winners: table, Con Mahony; painting, Albert LeSage; chair, Mrs. Al Schwab; table cloth and napkins, Mrs. Howard Kruse; set of dishes, Marie Bliler; $10 gold piece, Mrs. T.N. Averill; ton of coal, Mary Ann Peterson; ham, Larry Sullivan; candy, Frank Smazal; afghan, Mrs. O’Grady of Butte; sheets and pillow cases, L.J. Anders; and the tatted luncheon set, Jimmie Gabisch.
Perhaps the most sought after prize was the painting by Dr. D.S. Buisson, which was won by Mr. LaSage, better known in these parts as “Black Frenchy”. Mr. LeSage is a sheep herder and as he does not have a place to display the painting, he sold it almost immediately after he won it.
1949 “Radersburg News” The PTA had a public card party Friday evening. There were four tables of pinochle and one table of whist. Prizes in Pinochle went to Mrs. Gunner Johnson first and traveling and Geo. Pennell second, in whist prizes were won by Clyde Bottler, Mrs. Clyde Bottler and Amy Holling. Lunch was served by the committee at the close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, accompanied by Mr. Thos. Williams, made a business trip to Butte Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dundas Jr. and family of Harrison were visiting friends in Radersburg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seaman returned home from Billings Sunday where they have spent the past three weeks.
Mrs. Rose Griffin, who has been visiting her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. K.P Thurston and Billy returned to her home at Armington Sunday. Ernie Cowell of Toston spent the week end here visiting his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Winford Cowell.
1955 “Plans Complete for Halloween Parties at School” Plans are complete and grades have been divided for sponsoring groups for the annual Halloween parties for next Monday evening according to the general chairman, L.J. Anders. The committee heads met last Thursday to make the selections which resulted as follows: \Preschool, American Legion Auxiliary; first grade, V.F.W. Auxiliary; second grade, Methodist ladies; third grade, Alter Society ladies; fourth grade, Eastern Star; fifth grade, Episcopal Guild ladies; sixth grade, Garden Club; High School, Latter Day Saints.
For the first six grades whose parties will be from 7:00 until 9:00, there will prizes for each as follows: most original, funniest boy, funniest girl, best Halloween costume for boy and girl.
For the high school whose party will be from 8:00 until midnight, there will be four prizes; most original boy, most original girl, best Halloween costume for girl and for boy.
The Mergenthalers of Helena will be the orchestra to play for the high school dancing party. The preschool children will be entertained in the Masonic dining room; grades 1 to 6 in the grade school building and high school in the gym. Judging will be done at 9:00 p.m. Prizes have been donated by the Townsend merchants.
1966 “DeMolay Boys Attend State Meet”
Three boys from the W.W. Harvey Chapter Order of DeMolay attended the State DeMolay Conclave last Friday and Saturday in Missoula. Approximately 400 boys from all over the state participated. Ray Nydegger, dad advisor was chaperone for Dan Shearer, John Rains and Gary Adams. Gary was appointed to the state office of First Preceptor, Dan was appointed to work on the resolutions committee.
Miss Sharon Adams, student at Kinman Business College in Spokane, was the candidate for DeMolay Sweetheart from the W.W. Harvey Chapter and came to compete with the 25 other candidates. The girls and their chaperones were treated to luncheons, style shows and banquets while the boys attended their business meetings. Mrs. Charles Adams was chaperone for her daughter. The Conclave was climaxed by the Grand Ball Saturday evening and the cornotion of the DeMolay Sweetheart. Dan Shearer, master councilor, acted as escort for Miss Adams.
“Bureau Offers Old Nursing Home” The Bureau of Reclamation is offering the old county nursing home for sale. The building was purchased from the county and has since been vacated. The county is now using the new rest home facility east of town.