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Montana Cowboy Hall Of Fame Announces 2023 Inductees
Author: Christy Stensland, Executive Director

*Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame Announces 2023 Inductees*

Christy Stensland, Executive Director, Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center, Inc

The Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF & WHC) announces their 15th class of inductions into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame. The inductees were chosen from a field of candidates nominated by the general public. Inductees are honored for their notable contributions to the history and culture of Montana. “The Hall of Fame exists to honor those who have made an impact in their part of the state and represent Montana’s authentic heritage for future generations,” said DuWayne Wilson, MCHF & WHC president. “Our volunteer trustees around Montana vote on nominations that come from the district in which they reside. This process gives the local communities a strong voice in who will represent them in the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame.”

The MCHF & WHC board of directors has designated 12 trustee districts across the state from which up to 20 trustees may be appointed. Nomination criteria established by the board for the Class of 2023 inductions allowed the election of one Living Inductee and one Legacy Inductee from each of the 12 districts.

In District 8 *(Broadwater, Jefferson, & Lewis and Clark Counties):* Living: Charles Gilbert “Chuck” Plymale of Townsend; Legacy: Wesley Robert “Wes” Synness of Helena will be inducted into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame.

The MCHF & WHC plans to honor these inductees, and those from the other Districts, during the MCHF Annual Induction Ceremony & Western Heritage Gathering on February 11, 2023, in Great Falls at the Heritage Inn. Look for more information as it becomes available on our Facebook page and on our website.

Full biographies for past inductees are available on the MCHF & WHC’s website, http:// This year’s inductees will be added to the website in the near future. *The mission of the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center is to “honor our cowboy way of life, American Indian cultures and collective Montana Western heritage." We exist to serve as a resource to all who wish to see this way of life passed forward to the next generation.

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