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Where I Stand
Author: Lindsey Richtmyer

In meeting and talking to many residents around our county over the past few months, I am continually asked where I stand on “things” or what I stand for. Surprisingly, I don’t have one issue that is driving me toward a spot on the county commission. Rather, it is the scope of the job and the many different topics and challenges it encompasses, while working toward the future of Broadwater County, that drives my motivation to be a part of our local government.

My roots, principles, and values stem from an upbringing in a conservative, multigenerational military family. I respect the freedoms we are afforded in our county and the many blessings those freedoms allow us to enjoy as a society and nation, including the opportunities to work and engage with those whose views diverge from our own. I adore our agricultural lifestyle and open spaces. Every summer of my life was spent on our family ranch in the Castle Mountains. I also welcome the gumption of local business owners trying to bring more services and amenities to our community. I believe our county can respect the past while guiding growth and planning for the future. As for my character, I am passionate in my convictions, and I validate my words with actions. In public office, it is my values, solid research, and a willingness to listen to community input that will guide me.

I communicate. A lot. Just ask my husband and coworkers.

It is not enough to post an agenda. More indepth information must be available, easy to access, and understand. While not realistic to provide every detail of county business, I want the citizens here to be aware of the bigger projects and topics facing the commission and why I do or do not support and vote a certain way.

I am a proactive gogetter.

I love to learn and jump in with both feet to find solutions to problems. I am not afraid to ask questions, explore possibilities, investigate, and take time to research options that may have to be outside the box. My bachelor’s degree is in journalism. I have an inherent need to get answers. My second degree and job as a physical therapist assistant demands an exceptional level of patient care that requires coordination of multiple disciplines, assisting patients with navigation of our medical system, and seeing them through a process of healing that often requires research, ideas, and adaptation.

I believe in collaboration. Whether with our boards, neighboring counties, or city council, we can accomplish more for Broadwater County working together. As the county seat, Townsend is the heart of Broadwater County and for it to maintain its distinction as such, planning efforts can and should be aligned.

I am a fighter. Those who know me appreciate I’m not afraid to make my own decisions. And when I do, I have a valid, factual reason for doing so. Most of all, I am invested in our county and community. It is my child’s home and his future. His generation inherits the effects of our policies. Thank you for your consideration as the next District 2 Broadwater County commissioner.

Please get registered to vote! The election is November 8.

paid for by Lindsey Richtmyer

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