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Guest Editorial: Your Vote Counts - Use It Wisely
Author: Michael Lawson, Michael Vincent, Elton W "Mick" Ringsak


On the week of July 25th, U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale's D.C. office sent out an official flyer. The headline was "Leading the Nation on Veteran Issues” and included a photo of the congressman with four National Guard soldiers and a paragraph, "Supporting Senateamended Honoring Our PACT Act." It is ironic the Congressman sent out a press release criticizing others for using veterans as “political pawns” on September 14. He proudly announced his opposition to the PACT Act on March 3, 2022 and voted against it six times before voting Yea in July for substantially the same bill he once bragged about opposing after it passed both the House and the Senate by substantial majorities.

The EVEST Act requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to automatically enroll veterans who are eligible for VA health care into the VA healthcare system. It passed the House by a vote of 265 163, Matt Rosendale voted no. In June 2021, Rosendale was among 21 House members who voted against a resolution to give the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. On September 2021 he was one of 19 House members to vote against the final passage of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, which funds our military. As a Montana state senator, Rosendale voted “no” on funding for the southwest Montana Veterans home in 2013 and 2015 but showed up at the groundbreaking ceremony claiming he had a better idea when asked by the press about his NO votes. Rosendale’s 2013 Republican primary campaign website said, "Matt Rosendale is a conservative proven leader who has dedicated his life to working for Montana." He moved here from Maryland when he was 42.

We have too many politicians, and too few Statesmen. What’s the difference? A politician has one primary objective – to get elected at any cost. A politician flipflops on issues as the polls change, makes promises but rarely keeps them once elected. A politician bases decisions on power or personal interests defined in terms of power. Rather than seeking office for the good of his Constituents, State or Country, a politician strives for personal and party power.

A statesman does everything for the common good of the people. Statesmen stand on a platform of fundamental truths. A statesman believes in certain core values and doesn't change beliefs to get ahead in politics. A statesman is a political realist, looking at policy in terms of its effect on constituents, state and country. A statesman knows exactly what needs to be accomplished in office. A statesman must be nonpartisan and build consensus with the people being represented.

A politician works for selfinterest and a statesman works for constituents and future generations. This November you have a clear choice on who you would rather have represent you and your interests in Congress. It is a choice between a politician and a statesman.

The politician: Matt Rosendale.

He moved to Montana in 2002; 2010 ran for the Montana House of Representatives; 2012 ran for the Montana Senate; 2013 ran in Republican Primary for the US Congress; 2016 ran for State Auditor; 2018 ran for the US Senate and 2020 ran for the US House of Representatives.


The statesman: Gary Buchanan.

He is a lifelong public servant. Gary was the first Montana Department of Commerce Director. He is a former chairman of the Montana Banking Board; served two terms on the Montana Board of Investments including as chairman; chairman of the Board of Crime Control; served on the Montana Power Authority; former chairman of the Nature Conservancy of Montana; awarded lifetime honorary membership in national Trout Unlimited. Character, honesty, selflessness, decisiveness, trust and integrity are the bedrock characteristics of a good public servant. Gary Buchanan possesses all of these and is the kind of individual we need representing us in Congress.

Gary Buchanan has been endorsed by former Gov. Marc Racicot, former Secretary of State Bob Brown (20012005) and Dorothy Bradley, Montana House 19711992.

Matt Rosendale has been endorsed by outofstate political figures and dark money groups.

We the undersigned think Matt Rosendale is a threat to the Montana Constitution and the Republic! We enthusiastically endorse Gary Buchanan and encourage Veterans to Vote for him.

Michael Lawson US Marine Corp Sergeant, 3rd Marines/FMF VN 6669 Michael Vincent US Marine Corp Sergeant, 3rd Marines VN 6768 Elton W "Mick" Ringsak US Army, Major, 27th Combat Engr Bn VN 6869