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Dark Skies


Jeff Ross

Dark Skies Jeff Ross Being country bred, I am at ease in darkness" -- Mary Oliver

I, too, am at ease in darkness.

A few years ago I was in New York City, a place where there is no darkness, for a work-related conference. Most of the time I was there we were under grey damp and dreary skies, but the last night we got a break in the clouds and I was able to see the first quarter Moon through the Manhattan skyline. But that is all I could see in the night sky. Here at home, under a similar moon, the stars and planets are diminished but still visible. In New York, there is simply too much light at night.

There is growing concern worldwide about the diminishing night sky. Even here, where we still have relatively dark skies, night glow is visible on our horizon from Helena, Great Falls, and Bozeman. Not only is this a concern to those of us who enjoy the night sky and its wonders, but increasing night light pollution is known to have a profound impact on the migration of birds and other wildlife.

One of the biggest organizations spearheading the struggle to preserve our night skies is the International Dark Sky Association ( They have an abundance of resources available, covering everything from if we should light at night and where we must, how to do so properly; the promise and problems of LED lights, especially as cities begin to switch to LED street lights and to the impact improper lighting has on wildlife and even on our own health.

There are opportunities for citizen scientists to participate in mapping the actual quality of the night sky by using smartphone apps to photograph and analyze the night sky wherever you might be. For iOS devices, look for Dark Sky Meter ($1.99) or for Android devices look for Loss of the Night. Data from these apps are automatically uploaded to a central database.

About a week ago we were under the natural light of a full moon lighting the snow-covered hills and dominating the night sky for a few nights but the natural cycle of the moon's rotation around our Earth meant that our dark skies did return and we are able to see all the wonders of the visible universe again.

With clear, and dark skies, of course.