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Community Services Available At County Health Department
Author: Margaret Ruckey, R.N., Director, Broadwater County Health Department

The Health Department offers the services listed below, and more. If you have questions or want to find out about a service that is not listed,

please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at 4062665209.

* Homemaker program: We go into the homes of our aged community members and help with light housework as well as help them with

coordinating any care they may need in the community.

*Medication setup:

We have staff that can help members of the community set up their medications on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis.

We coordinate this care with the provider and the community member to ensure safety and dosing.

* Immunizations:

We have our Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Adults (VFA) programs in place that ensure no child will be turned away due to

an inability to pay for vaccinations.

* Foot care:

We offer foot care for those in the community that are not able to reach their feet. This service included nail trimming and

assessment with education to followup with the person’s doctor or need for a specialist.

* Detention Center Nurse:

We have worked with our local detention center to provide care to the inmates Monday through Friday.

* Social Services:

We have worked hard to connect with different groups and organizations that serve our community. We have print, online, and

contact information for various services and are willing and able to help our community members find what services they may need and access them.

* WIC Popup:

We have the WIC team from Helena come down to Townsend to have inperson meetings with anyone who is on the WIC program.

* Grants:

We have several grants that help us to stay open and focus on various different needs in the community. We also hold various activities

related to these grants, including our local Bike Safety Rodeo.

* Blood pressure checks:

We offer free blood pressure checks to anyone in the community who needs them. We can help with tracking this information and making sure that the community member’s doctor gets the information.

* Baby weights:

We offer free weight checks for newborns and infants.

* Weight checks:

We offer free weight checks for any community member.

* Communicable disease education and investigation:

Public health is responsible for investigating a large number of communicable diseases as required by Montana statute. We help to educate our patients on resources for care and how to prevent getting the diseases in the future.