“what Happened This Week In History” - October 6
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
October 6
“Toston News”
Mrs. James Greaves and son, Wilbur, of Toston were shoppers in Helena Tuesday evening. William Stubblefield of Toston
transacted business in Helena Monday. Wilbur Greaves departed for Spokane on Monday where he will enroll in a barber
Ben Townsley of Toston was a business visitor in Bozeman.
"Radersburg News”
Bub Harris, Mike Dolan and Mrs. Henry Doughty motored to Helena Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Wesley Crago and
Mrs. Charles Mahony and little daughter and mother, Mrs. Huth, and Mrs. C.E. Coleman of Ventura, Calif., visited at the Al
Easterly home one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Sixteen moved into the Holdaway house on Main Street Sunday. Willis Hossfeld moved them
Robert Dundas and Pat Kearns were home over the weekend. They are employed at Twin Bridges.
Mr. and Mrs. Olai Kallevang enjoyed a day’s outing on the Madison last Thursday.
“Memorial to Veterans Will be Dedicated at Public Ceremony”
The monument honoring all Broadwater County veterans of all wars is now completed and will be unveiled at dedicatory
ceremonies here at 12 o’clock noon Sunday, October 9th. The dedication will come at the end of a parade on Main street which
is part of the district convention to be held in the afternoon. Don Hollaway, Commander of Broadwater Post No. 42 will act as
the Master of Ceremonies at the dedication and the Hon. Hugh Adair of Helena will make a short address in dedicating the
new marker stationed in Memorial Park, Townsend. The memorial was completed today when the copper plaque was placed
on the large polished marble slab. Previously the concrete walk, platform and flag pole was finished and now stand as a
lasting memorial to all veterans who, before their heroic deaths, were members of the Broadwater County people’s families.
The meeting of the Legion convention will be held in their hall at 1:30 and the Legion Auxiliary will hold their meeting in the
Methodist Church at the same hour. A banquet for both organizations will be held in the Masonic Temple. The completion of
this monument fulfills a desire of many over a period of over 25 years. There has been much talk about such a memorial and
a park was landscaped for the purpose almost as many years ago. The living Veterans took the lead in erecting the memorial
and it now stands a credit to the community and an appropriate and beautiful tribute to those who worked to erect it and to
those who gave their lives for their country. Funds for the construction came from money earned during the last war through
paper and metal drives. The money, earmarked for the memorial for first consideration, has been safely kept for the purpose
and has been some personal donations and a guarantee for the Veterans organizations to see it thru. L.J. Anders, who was
chairman of the construction, has presented the names of the following who made voluntary contributions: Jas. Ward, $10;
Louis Green $10; Mrs. Sperling, $10; Mrs. Hollaway, $5; Frank Hooks, $5.00; Cecilia Hazelton, $2; Chas. Adams $5
“Neifert-White Firm Receives National Recognition as Outstanding Designed Store Building”
Neifert-White Co., local lumber and building materials company, has been notified that a photograph of its recently
constructed store building has been selected for national recognition. The photograph, to be enlarged to mural size, will be
included in a display of the country’s best designed retail lumber stores to be held October 11 to 14 at Cleveland, Ohio as a
feature of the Building Products Exposition sponsored by the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association. The purpose of the
display of specially selected photographs is to show the evolution which has occurred in the retail industry as dealers have
expanded and improved the efficiency of their merchandising operations.
The exposition, which will be attended by retail lumber dealers from all parts of the country, is being held to call attention to
the wide variety of services that dealers offer customers interested in building or modernizing homes and other structures.
Other features of the exposition include product displays by several hundred of the nation’s largest manufacturers and a
series of clinics at which dealers will learn about new trends in lumber yard management and merchandising.
The payroll of this firm is the largest in the community. Besides the owners, H.G.. White and W.D. Neifert, there are two
bookkeepers, Martha Schmidt and Lillian Fisher; Logan Davis, Harvey McCormick, Bill Duede, Maurice Boster, Clayton
DeBorde, Virgil Karhoff, Floyd Kirley, Dick Evans, Fred Mize, Harvey Barraugh, Planing Mill: Harry Smith, Clint Hysel, Hank Meyer
and Lester Gorman.
“Two Governors”
An unusual set of circumstances prevailed at the Republican dinner here Monday evening when we had our own Boys State
Governor, Jim Ragen, introducing Governor Tim Babcock. This is the first time that a Broadwater County boy has held the
highest office of Boy State and, of course, the first time we have had both governors meeting in Townsend.
“River Inn Area Shows Signs of Development”
Signs of development of the state park at the old River Inn site have been seen. Two double comfort stations have been
installed with a septic tank and drainage system attached. The Montana Fish and Game Department, which now is the state
park department, has placed this area high on their list of new state parks to be developed.
“Local News”
Mrs. Heinie Huth and her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Barraugh, Kelly and Rhonda of Helena, left Thursday for Tulsa, Okla. Where
they will spend some time visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Robert Wells, Mr. Wells and Patsy.
Miss Judy Hunsaker and Miss Sharon Adams, students at Kinman Business College in Spokane were home over the
weekend and attended the Rains-Hunter wedding. Maurice Hunsaker went to Spokane to get the girls and took them back.
The first meeting of the Beacon Lite Club was held Thursday, Sept. 22 at the home of Annabelle Diehl. Main business of the
meeting was an election of officers. New officers are: Louise Moe, president, Ivy Barthule, vice president and Annabelle Diehl,
sec.-treas. Since there are several young children in the community a Halloween party is planned for Monday, Oct. 31, at the
Winston Hall. Games will be played, prizes awarded for best costumes and refreshments served by the club women.
Phyllis Diehl was a guest and became a new member. Ethel Gutekunst won the prize donated by Helen Moe and will donate
the prize for the October meeting which will be held at the home of Bertha Cobban on Oct. 20 After the meeting adjourned,
games were played and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.