City Council Meeting August 16, 2022
Author: JB Howick, MT43 News
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Evans called the Public Hearing to order at 6:30 p.m. Council members present were Christina Hartmann, Angie Wintrow, Vickie Rauser and Matt West. Ken Urich and Nate Brown were absent. Others present were Clerk, Coleen Ward, Public Works Supervisor, Tim Rauser, Attorney, Peter Simon, Fire Chief, Ed Shindoll, Jessica Crusch, Nancy Marks, Laura Obert and Debbie Blagg.
PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
PUBLIC HEARING FY23 BUDGET: Mayor Evans asked if the public present had any comments; there were none. Vickie Rauser asked the City Council if they had any concerns or comments on the current budget; none were made. Mayor Evans closed the Budget Hearing and opened the City Council Meeting.
FY23 BUDGET ADOPTION: Vickie Rauser moved to approve Resolution 2022-R06, approving the FY23 Budget. Angie Wintrow seconded. The motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
MINUTES: Matt West had a few clarification corrections to the Minutes of August 16, 2022. Vickie Rauser moved to approve the Minutes of August 16, 2022, as corrected. Christina Hartmann seconded. The motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
GUESTS and CORRESPONDANCE: Mayor Evans passed around a newsletter from the Chamber of Commerce to the City Council. Guests present were just observing.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Noise Ordinance - Peter Simon distributed a Draft Noise Ordinance for the Council to read. Discussion ensued. Council members will review the Draft and get back to Peter with proposed changes.
Solicitor Committee: The committee will meet again on September 8, 2022, before making a recommendation to the City Council.
Pool Employee Manual: Peter Simon will contact the committee and schedule a meeting.
City Clerk Hiring Committee: Matt West asked if he could be on the committee, there are already 3 council members on the committee, and another would be considered a quorum. Christina Hartmann asked Peter to bring the application envelopes to City Hall at 4:00, Monday, September 19, 2022. Also, if he could date stamp when they were received. He replied yes, however, none have been received.
NEW BUSINESS: Boundary Relocation – Clerk Ward will contact Jeremy Fadness for the next agenda.
Fall Fest Request: Laura Obert, with the Townsend Rotary, has two requests before the City Council. First, the Rotary is asking for a moratorium from selling solicitor licenses during the week of Fall Fest, from September 23 through October 2, 2022. Christina Hartmann moved to approve the request, Matt West seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
Second is a request to close on Sunday, October 2, 2022, for the Car Show. Also, S. Pine Street from Broadway to C Street and the alley between Front and S. Pine through S. Spruce Streets for Friday through Sunday, September 30 through October 2, 2022. Christina Hartmann moved to approve the Street Closures for the Fall Fest; Vickie Rauser seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
CLAIMS: After questions were answered, Christina Hartmann moved to approve the claims, Vickie Rauser seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT/ROUNDTABLE: Matt West inquired about allowing the Pallets next to City Hall, City Compliance Officer determined this to not be a violation of the City Code. Matt then noted streetlights out on 2nd and 3rd streets, Mayor Evans will notify NorthWestern Energy.
Tim Rauser, Public Works Supervisor informed the council that the water usage is way down this year, we have not had to initiate the odd and even watering days as in the past. Some reasons might be more people have installed underground sprinklers and watering at night. Angie asked if he thought since the county quit using water from the hydrant if that could be a contributing factor; yes, that would show an impact on the water usage.
Jessica Crusch informed the council that she has been investigating the donation button on the website, it is going to take a bit longer than she thought and wanted to make sure the council was going to allow her an additional 8 hours. No action could be taken at this time, Clerk Ward will get this on the next agenda.
Angie Wintrow said when she was reviewing the Revenue figures there was only $700 under donations recorded for the Swimming Pool. Clerk Ward said she was confused when the article came out in the paper stating the Rotary and St. Peters Clinic had donated to the City for Lifeguard Training. She reviewed all entries looking for the $2,000 to make sure she was not missing something. The only donation received was from the Lions Club for $700. She has been told by two Rotarians that the donations are in the process, but to date, she has not seen them.
ADJOURN: Angie Wintrow moved to adjourn. Vickie Rauser seconded. The motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
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