Fall - A Beautiful Season
 | Author: Ellie West, Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis Inside Inspiration: Certified NLP Coach/Practitioner Of Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy |
As the summer months wind down, we enter into a new season — Fall. You step outside, and you can feel it. There is something different in the air. The cooler temperatures, the cozy sweaters, the warm drinks, the explosion of vivid colors, the beauty surrounding us, and the shorter days. It's a beautiful season.
The children are back in school with fresh supplies, anticipating a new school year with new teachers, a new environment, and perhaps new friends. A change for many of them.
The landscape colors change rapidly with each new day. The leaves change and begin to drop, and the grass no longer grows as quickly as it did during the peak of the summer months.
Just as the leaves begin to dry and fall from their branches, the fall season makes room for opportunities and growth.
It's a time to let go of the things that no longer serve you. Fall shows us that change can happen.
As the summer eases into fall, we begin to prepare for the winter months. With our short growing season, we begin to harvest what has been growing throughout the summer.
We planted garlic for the first time last fall, and it grew throughout the year. It became ready for harvest mid to late summer, and only then did we reap the rewards. We waited months, but it was worth the wait. Plants go through the planting, watering, and growing season, and so do we.
Our lives parallel the different seasons. With each new season, opportunity knocks for growth and change. Just looking at the leaves on the tree doesn’t make them change. In the same way, we don’t change without being intentional.
Sometimes we need to wait as we cultivate a new skill. Dr. Seuss talks about the Waiting Place in the book Oh the Places You'll Go. It’s a place for people just waiting:
Waiting for a train to go;
or a bus to come, or a plane to go,
or the mail to come, or the rain to go,
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow,
or waiting around for a Yes or a No,
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.
Do you wait and wait, or do you take action because you are not yet where you want to be? You may have heard it said, “It’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey.”
But what happens when you are stuck?
I understand what it means to be stuck. Most recently, I was stuck while writing my book. I would write some and put it away and wait. I’m not sure what I was waiting for, maybe for something to change. But I also knew that my book would not get finished unless I became intentional and specifically set time aside to write.
It was a process, but it also brought change. Change in how I thought about things. Change in how I wanted to get my story out there. Change in my daily routines. Change to be open to new ideas and concepts.
What can we learn from the Fall? It teaches us that we can’t harvest our gardens all at once. Nor can we change all at once. We must gather items one piece at a time.
Is there something that you would like to change about yourself?
It may take longer than you think to plant, water, and cultivate.
I had to allow change to make room for further growth and opportunities. With this coming Fall, I grow more excited for the new season I am entering.
Your new season is coming… it's just right around the corner!
“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” — Unknown.
To Connect with Ellie @coachelliewest coachinghearttocheart.com.
“Soar” How to Rise Above the Turbulence and Watch Your Dreams Take Flight by Ellie West will launch on Amazon on September 23.