BCHS Class Of 1962 Reunion
Author: Sherry Scoffield
The Broadwater County High School class of 1962, with 38 graduates, held their 60-year high school class reunion on Saturday, August 20th. Sixteen graduates and 7 spouses/friends gathered at the Watson Training Center for dinner, reminiscing, and catching up.
On Sunday morning Linda Poe hosted breakfast at her home with 14 attending. This class has held 7 organized reunions, all of which have been very well attended. Those unable to attend this year expressed their regrets and were greatly missed.
BCHS Class of 1962
Donna Fogland Tucker, Robert Graveley, Connie Valentine Gelvin, Lanny White, Susan Breyer Sanderson, Paula Plymale, Robert Davis, Dean Massa, David Kearns, Charles Graveley, Arnold Kolberg, Elaine Sullivan Graveley, Gerry Lewis Kolczak, Diana Hunsaker Bruce, Judy Johnson Slifka, Sherry Hunter Scoffield, Charleen Adams Haines.
Spouses and Friends also attending: Linda Davis, Lesley Heisey, Andy Bruce, Franklin Slifka, Fran Tucker, Ward Scoffield and Chuck Haines.
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PhotoCredit: Sherry Scoffield
Image 1 Caption: Back row: (L to R) Donna Fogland Tucker, Robert Graveley, Connie Valentine
Gelvin, Lanny White, Susan Breyer Sanderson, Paula Plymale, Robert Davis,
Dean Massa, David Kearns, Charles Graveley, Arnold Kolberg. Front Row: (L to R) Elaine Sullivan Graveley, Gerry Lewis Kolczak, Diana Hunsaker Bruce, Judy Johnson Slifka, Sherry Hunter Scoffield, Charleen Adams Haines.
Spouses and Friends also attending: Linda Davis, Lesley Heisey, Andy Bruce, Franklin
Slifka, Fran Tucker, Ward Scoffield and Chuck Haines.