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Broadwater FFA New Beginnings


Mikaela Kraft, FFA
MT43 News School Correspondent

I am excited to welcome you to another year of FFA which will be filled with so many opportunities for the community as a whole!

The Broadwater FFA chapter was established in 2015, by our advisor Jemma Loughery. FFA is a student-led organization created in 1928, thanks to the Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act of 1917. This legislation gave us the ability to learn agricultural knowledge through participation at school. Our organization holds an immense love for, and interest in agriculture and wishes to further our agricultural knowledge and grow leaders for further generations. Last year was an amazing year for us and we hope this next year will be even better!

This summer was really productive for our chapter. Our new officer team planned our Program of Activities (POA). We had students attend the Alumni Leadership Camp in Highwood, Montana, had a Plant Sale at the Farmers Market, had students show at the Broadwater County Fair, helped judge livestock carcasses and we hosted an Ag Olympics and Welcome Back BBQ this last week which started “New Beginnings” for us.

Our Sentinel is a sophomore, Lane Santi. I am a junior and am your Reporter. On my heels as historian is a senior, Cody Skillman. Our treasurer is also a sophomore, Ross McDonald. Our Secretary is another sophomore, Amanda Pesicka. Our vice president is a senior, Justene Santi, and our president, a junior, Jacob Pesicka. We cannot forget our advisor who is “asked to advise [us] from time to time as the need arises” Jemma Loughery. We are so eager to lead our FFA chapter in the right direction in growing knowledge and leadership.

The Ag Olympics was held at the 4H building on August 16. There was a great turnout and everyone enjoyed it. Pork loins and chicken were served. There were many competitions such as roping, Cornhole - Feed the Pig, and Dizzy Barrel Racing. Many events such as this are held throughout the year. I encourage everyone to stay updated and get involved! You will not regret it!

We would like to recognize our members who sent applications off to the National Level this year. Congratulations to Colton Noyes for receiving a silver recognition for his Supervised Agricultural Experience in Diversified Crop Production. Also, Kayden Braaten received her American FFA Degree. We are so proud to claim these two Broadwater FFA Alumni Members!

We are excited to announce that we will be representing the state of Montana in Parliamentary Procedure at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis this October. If you are interested in donating to help students attend, please contact Mrs. Loughery at 406-441-3423.

We won’t spoil the fun events we have planned, but there are many that people young and old will enjoy. We encourage you to stay updated on our Facebook (@broadwaterffa) and Instagram (@braodwaterffa) pages! If you prefer not to use social media, message our advisor at

Thank you for supporting us; we could not have our events and competitions, or leadership conferences without you!

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PhotoCredit: Broadwater FFA
Image 2 Caption: 2022–2023 Broadwater FFA Officer Team (left to right) Historian Codie Skillman, Sentinel Lane Santi, Reporter Mikayla Kraft, Treasurer Ross MacDonald, Secretary Amanda Pesicka, Vice President Justene Santi, and President Jacob Pesicka.
Image 3 Caption: Parliamentary Procedure Team to head to National FFA Convention October 2022 (left to right) Jacob Pesicka, Justene Santi, Bailey Taves, Brooke Edgerton, Mikayla Kraft, Colton Noyes (sub will be Amanda Pesicka) and Advisor Jemma Loughery.