City Council Meeting August 16, 2022
Author: City Of Townsend
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Evans called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council members present were Christina Hartmann, Vickie Rauser, Angie Wintrow, Nate Brown and Ken Urich. Others present were Clerk Coleen Ward, Deputy Clerk Jenny Barnett, Nancy Marks, JB Howick and Jessica Crusch.
PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
MINUTES: Angie Wintrow moved to approve the minutes of August 2, 2022, Ken Urich seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Angie informed the council what the Solicitor Committee is considering for rates on Solicitor Permits. The committee is looking at an annual fee of $100.00 and not allowed during Fall Fest and Christmas Stroll. Also considered is a temporary fee of $25.00 and an event fee we are still discussing. Our next meeting is Monday, August 22 at 1:00 p.m., Ken asked if Peter was going to be there; someone answered yes.
NEW BUSINESS: Resolution 2022-R05 – After reviewing the revised Building Fee Schedule attached to the Resolution, discussion ensued. Christina Hartmann moved to approve Resolution 2022-R05 to be effective August 19, 2022, Vickie Rauser seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT/ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: JB Howick was present to ask the council about the zoning rules on storing his pellets on the lot next door. Clerk Ward informed him there are regulations about fencing under Zoning CBD 13.12.030. After some discussion, it was decided to have the compliance officer read the ordinance and make the decision. Mayor Evans will talk with Eric tomorrow.
Vickie stated the community survey is moving forward with the time period being extended. She also went to a seminar on housing in rural communities.
Christina said the School open house is in September.
Angie asked if we know what period of time the sheriff's report covers. Clerk Ward thought it was for the year.
Christina asked how the permitting software was going, Clerk Ward explained there are many glitches and they were working on it. Ken said Peter was going to go over the Pool Employee form and get the status changed and has not heard anything.
The skatepark grand opening was well attended.
Clerk Ward stated that she is now retiring on December 15, 2022. The city needs to start advertising for the position and she thinks a committee needs to be formed. She has prepared a position announcement for review by the committee. Volunteers for the committee are Vickie, Christina, Angie and Tim wanted to be on the committee, Vickie thought that was a good idea. Ken asked why, and she explained that Tim works closely with the City Clerk, and it is important to have that perspective. Mayor Evans will be available if needed.
FINANCE/BUDGET: FY22 Budget Amendments – Clerk Ward reviewed Budget Amendment #74 increasing PERS Budget; Vickie Rauser moved to approve Budget Amendment #74, Angie Wintrow seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
ADJOURN: Ken Urich moved to adjourn, Nate Brown seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.