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Broadwater Search And Rescue - Hoist Training


Matt Nelson
MT43 News Correspondent

On Thursday, August 25, the Montana Army National Guard sent a Blackhawk helicopter to the Townsend Airport to provide hoist training to some members of the Broadwater County Search and Rescue (BCSAR) team. The helicopter and medevac crew are assigned to Detachment 1, Charlie Company, 1-189th General Support Aviation Battalion out of Fort Harrison. The whole purpose of this exercise was to practice extraction of injured people.

The helicopter was flown by CW4 Guy Welborn and CW2 Cam Olson. The hoist training was provided by crewmembers, Staff Sergeant Balliew, Staff Sergeant Andrew Christensen, and Sergeant Anthony Wright.

The pilots first took the helicopter up to about 100 feet above ground level, and a crewmember strapped himself to a cable and came down to the ground. Then he and Eric Crusch, the SAR leader, held onto each other and were winched back up to the helicopter. Each person being winched up wore a lifting harness. After Eric was on board, Jackie Smith and another SAR member went up by themselves. Once all of the three SAR members were strapped in, they were given a ride around the airport perimeter.

The second group consisting of Daniel Truesdell, Tory Richtmyer, and Ed Shindoll were lifted up and also were given a ride.

SAR team members Mike Speedy and Matt Nelson were at the airport taking photographs but did not go up into the helicopter.

A general meeting for all the members of the BCSAR team is held on the last Monday of each month. Train­ing in such items as first aid, water rescue, and search techniques is given on the first Thursday of each month. Both meetings start at 6:30 p.m. The SAR building is located at the corner of Pine Street and 6th Street.

Volunteers are always welcome with the BCSAR Team. The people currently serving have a wide back­ground of abilities and talents, and are in all adult age groups. The main purpose is to help other people in traumatic situations.

If you have any questions about Search and Rescue or would like to volunteer please call the sheriff’s office at (406) 266-3441.

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Matt Nelson
Image 2 Caption: Jackie Smith lifted to helicopter. Photo: Matt Nelson.
Image 3 Caption: Fire Chief Ed Shindoll’s turn! Photo: Matt Nelson.
Image 4 Caption: Blackhawk Helicopter crew with BCSAR Team: Staff Sergeant Andrew Christensen, Ed Shindoll, Jackie Smith, Daniel Truesdell, Eric Crusch, Staff Sergeant Jake Baliew, and on the far right, Tory Richtmyer. Photo: Matt Nelson.
Image 5 Caption: Blackhawk Helicopter in action. Photo: Matt Nelson.