Broadwater County Commissioners Meeting August 15
 | Author: Nancy Marks Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
Chairman Darrel Folkvord opened the Commissioners’ meeting at the Flynn Building Monday, Aug. 15. Commissioners Debi Randolph and Mike Delger were present.
During public comment, store owner Shirley Wilson asked the commissioners to please explain the county’s policy on county equipment trespassing on private grounds. She reported the public works trucks were turning around on her driveway while working on the county road. The commissioners did not comment.
Community Development and Planning Director, Nichole Brown, reviewed a notice of pending property division in the matter of the Antonick proposed subdivision on Canton Lane. The question before the commissioners was whether to recommend to the judge their changes to the proposed subdivision.
The proposed subdivision is currently before the District Court because of disagreement among the eight parties who want to subdivide. A motion passed to make recommendations about road access upon recommendation from Planning Director Brown.
Planning Director Brown presented the summary staff report on the proposed Greenway minor subdivision, originally part of the Eagle Ridge Estates located off Price Road in southern Broadwater County. Commissioners made no decision for approval of the proposed subdivision because of questions about the fire protection plan and the use of another subdivision’s road access. The decision will be on next week’s meeting agenda.
Public Information Officer, Audrey Walleser-Martin, presented information on hiring a public information officer for Broadwater County. Walleser-Martin is a private contractor who does the public information office work for other counties. Commission members discussed hiring a part-time officer to share with an adjoining county. The officer coordinates information among fire, sheriff, search and rescue and ambulance services along with the US Forest Service and Department of Natural Resources during emergencies.
Cindy Christophersen spoke in favor of hiring a public information officer. Commission members made no decision. They will set up a working meeting with Walleser-Martin.
In other business, commissioners paid bills and warrants.