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Margaret Ruckey, RN, BSN, Broadwater County Public Health Director, asked us to clarify that the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is for people that have not yet, for medical or personal reasons, received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. If you have been vaccinated with any of the already available mRNA vaccines, you do not qualify for Novavax. It is not for the newest strains of COVID as it was published but just an alternative to the mRNA vaccine. It also can only be used as a primary series and does not qualify for a booster at this time. There is not information available at this time if someone receives this vaccine if they will be eligible for a booster of an mRNA vaccine.

Broadwater SAR also points out that we omitted some of last Slice of Summer’s pie targets. Nick Rauser; Commissioners Mike Delger, Darrel Folkvord, and Debi Randolph; Mayor Mike Evans and City Council Member Angie Wintrow all took part in the fun.