News From The Canton Church
| Author: Victor Sample Vic Sample: MT43 News Treasurer |
If you have attended any of this summer’s Canton Church events you undoubtedly noticed that the Church is looking much brighter and there is a pile of construction materials behind the Church.
The Canton Church was built in 1875/1876 by 90 volunteers and paid for by donations from the local community.
Many of the early settlers in the Canton Val¬ley along the Missouri River came from the Canton, New York area. They brought the style of the church with them. I was recently interviewed by a reporter from Canton, New York who found our website and was struck by the similarity of our Canton Church to a historic church outside Canton, New York.
The Church has been painted many times over the last 146 years with the last exterior painting in 2015. The Church was showing the effects of the harsh winds, winter cold and summer heat. It needed repainting.
The roof of the historic building has been replaced multiple times using the traditional cedar shakes. This time Canton Church Restoration, Inc. decided it was time the grand old building upgraded to modern technology. Instead of replacing the roof with cedar shakes, we are putting on a metal roof that will last much longer and provide more protection for the building.
Our summer schedule of events continues with John Larsen, Family and Friends performing at the Canton Church on Friday, July, 29. John Larsen, his daughter Laura Stevenson and Sam Goode have performed at many local functions. This will be their 3rd time at the Canton Church.
The Canton Church events start at 5:00 pm and run for 60–75 minutes. The events are always free. The Canton Church is always open to everyone.
See our ad in this paper for the full summer schedule. (ad is below)
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PhotoCredit: Canton Church
Image 1 Caption: Canton Church Ad 2022