This Week In History - July 28
| Author: Linda Huth, Broadwater County Musuem Curator Linda Huth: MT43 News Board Member and Copy Editor |
What Happened this Week in History”
Submitted by Linda Huth; Sponsored by: The Broadwater County Historical Society and the “Cotter Foundation
July 28
Crow Creek News
James Cox of Helena is spending the summer working in the valley making his headquarters at the Spangler ranch.
There was a severe electrical storm here early last Sunday morning and tho it did not do much damage, it aroused a number of residents from sound sleep. At the W.A. Sherlock ranch, a tree was struck a short distance from the house, splitting it from top to bottom. At the Roland Kimpton home, the electricity seemed to center in the kitchen and fire was spouting in all directions, but nothing caught fire.
Clifford Mockel, Clifford Bowman and Albert Mockel of Townsend spent two days fishing on the Madison this week.
Winston News
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sherlock and his daughter were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lokowich Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lenahan of Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Con Sweeney of Townsend were business visitors in Winston Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berndt of Townsend were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead took their son, Glenn, back to his post at East Base Air Field at Great Falls last Saturday.
Toston News
Mrs. Cliff McLaughlin and children, Lindy Lou and Robert of Dillon called on Toston friends Monday. Mrs. McLaughlin, formerly Miss Evelyn Strand, taught school in Toston several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Greaves and granddaughter, Jeannie, drove to Trident Sunday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sharp.
Mrs. George Flynn and Shirley and Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Flynn and Louise attended a picnic at the Deep Creek campgrounds last Sunday.
Local Girl Named “Tonkin Gulf’ Girl of the Month”
The following letter was recently received by the “Star” and the request has been taken care of. Candy was quite stunned by the surprise and it gave all of us quite a thrill to present the patch and charm. (Editor’s note: See the image below)
Radersburg News
Jane Bottler and Lola Ricketts attended the Blood Pressure clinic held at the Senior Citizen Center a week ago. Mrs. Mary Grandchamp accompanied them to Townsend.
Debbie and Alan Smith got their trailer house today, Monday, after two weeks of long hours and hard work putting in the water line and septic tank and hauling dirt away, not far to haul, George Hough needed it for fill around his place.
Mrs. Minnie Heisey and Mrs. Leslie Parks of Helena were Radersburg visitors one day last week. Leslie took her brother, Bill Holdaway, to town for shopping and Minnie visited with Oppie and Me.
Saturday, July 16, the Williams Brothers, Doc and John, took cattle to the Holdaway place for summer pasture. A picnic lunch was enjoyed at the new cabin site by most everyone.
Bea (Harris) Baker and her husband of Santa Monica, Cal. left the Houghs after spending some time in Radersburg and headed for Helena and Butte. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cobban and family of Winston. Then Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Barraugh of Helena.
They were in Billings to visit her sister, Bobby Ann and family before returning home. Mrs. Hough received a letter on Monday that they had made it home safely.
Patti Ragen Schwisow, who is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams while her husband is in school for the summer, left Thursday for Missoula to attend a wedding Saturday of a friend. She came home Sunday.
Article Images
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PhotoCredit: Broadwater County Museum
Image 1 Caption: Letter from Fighter Squadron 151 To Candace Davis