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Slice Of Summer Satisfies


Nancy Marks
Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor

It’s Slice of Summer time in Townsend. A large crowd enjoyed the bouncy toys, swimming, music and games last Thursday at Heritage Park. Youth activities ran throughout the afternoon along with family-friendly food, music and swimming in the evening, according to Rotary Coordinator Pat Plantenberg.

The summer event is sponsored by Townsend Rotary whose members provide food and drinks. The Lions’ Club also served food. Canyon Ferry Mansion owner Stacy Somers provided the foam building blocks from her Imagination Playground business. The kids ‘dive’ for $60 worth of quarters in the sand pile was arranged by Pat. Rotary’s blowup bouncy toy was ‘wait in line only’ popular.

The evening event showcased “2nd Wind,” an acoustic rock and roll dance band. Those who performed were Joel Selzer, Ashley Stevens and Gary Frigo. They often play at Norwegian Wood Restaurant at the other end of Canyon Ferry Lake.

Broadwater County Search and Rescue volunteers were present with a ‘pie in the face’ contest. The fundraiser brought $300 in a little over two hours! Acting on the receiving end of the whipped cream pies were Townsend Major Mike Evans, Broadwater County Commissioner Mike Delger and Nick Rauser of the Sheriff’s Office.

Slice of Summer grew out of an idea from high school students who mentioned in Rotary scholarship interviews there was nothing to do during the summer for kids, according to Ron Salladay. That was ten or twelve years ago. The event is fashioned after the ‘Alive At Five’ performances held in Helena. Townsend Area Chamber of Commerce helped finance the event and the Lions Club volunteered to help. Broadwater 4-H clubs assisted. With the help of Tonya Wyse, then Amanda Hazlett, the group purchased a bouncy toy which has proved to be a huge hit with the little ones.

Rotary members would like to remind volunteers to sign up to help set up. Pat explained, “If your organization has displays or wants to advertise events, please contact me before the next Slice of Summer coming Thursday, August 18.”

Pat can be reached at (406) 431-4615.

Article Images

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PhotoCredit: Nancy Marks
Image 1 Caption: Joel Selzer, Ashley Stevens and Gary Frigo of 2nd Wind entertain the crowd.
Image 2 Caption: Jesslyn Johnson and Jenny Peters enjoy cotton candy.
Image 3 Caption: Kids built elaborate stuctures with Imagination Playhouse foam toys.
Image 4 Caption: Tina Larson, Townsend Lions’ Club instructs Mary Kondelik on serving food.
Image 5 Caption: Bridger Gillespie, Alice Brummer and Riley Rauser gleefully get ready to throw their whipping cream pies.