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An Invitation To You
Author: JB Howick, MT43 News

The Board of Directors at MT 43 News, Inc. would like this newspaper to be a force for good in our community. Informing you of breaking news and the actions of businesses and governments in a timely manner certainly meets that expectation. However, we would prefer that this newspaper be used for more than reporting the dire circumstances of a complex world. We would also like the newspaper to bring joy into the lives of our neighbors.

We can think of no better way to begin our efforts to reach that goal than to invite the community to let us know about people who do notably good things. People who aren't just leaders in our community, but mentors and symbols of inspiration.

I would like to personally invite people to bring the good and interesting things of life to our attention. If you take a particularly beautiful photograph of our area or its people, if you take note of an act of charity or generosity, or if you would like to nominate an individual who selflessly contributes to our community, please send that information to let¬