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Why Two Newspapers
Author: JB Howick, MT43 News

We were recently asked online why there should be two newspapers in Broadwater County? This was my answer:

“It could be said that Broadwater County generally and Townsend specifically doesn’t need two of a lot of things. Two gas stations, two hardware stores, two bookstores, barbers, bars, restaurants... so why are there two of any of these organizations? Because competition breeds quality. Because no one can do everything. And because each entity brings something different to the community. When the Broadwater Reporter ceased we felt there was a need for quality, unbiased reporting and elected to bring our difference to the community.”

We understand that we have placed our community in an unenviable position. Local non-profit groups, businesses, government, and you, the reader, must either utilize both newspapers or choose between them. We hope you will agree with us that the choice of what voice will bind our community together is important and we wanted the community to have that choice.

Per our Statement of Objectives and Ethics, which you can find online at, we are committed to providing unbiased, thoughtful, ethical, and uplifting news.

At the risk of opening the proverbial can of worms, I invite the community to respond to our decision. Let¬tersto the Editor can be sent to