Minutes Of The City Of Townsend July 19, 2022
 | Author: MT43 News Staff Reporter Nancy Marks: MT43 News Secretary and News Editor |
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Evans called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Council members present were Vickie Rauser, Angie Wintrow, Matt West, Ken Urich and Nate Brown; Christina Hartmann was absent. Others present were Clerk Coleen Ward, Public Works Supervisor Tim Rauser, Attorney Peter Simon, Engineer Chris Hayes, Erik Kreuger and Jessica Crusch.
PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
PUBLIC HEARING: 2nd Reading Ordinance 2022-01 - Mayor Evans asked for comments on the Changes to the Building Codes Ordinance. Having no comments, Angie Wintrow moved to adopt the changes to the Building Codes Ordinance #2022-01, Vickie Rauser seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor. Ordinance 2022-01 will become effective in 30 days, August 19, 2022.
MINUTES: Vickie Rauser moved to approve the minutes of July 56, 2022, as circulated, Matt West seconded, the motion carried with all council members voting in favor.
GUESTS: Chris Hayes – Water – Engineer Chris Hayes reviewed with the council the dates and timelines on moving forward with the Water Storage project. Chris needs to know what he is putting in the applications, what project; Valves, Hydrants, Water Storage, or all of it. He needs the council to decide so he can proceed with the applications. After some discussion on rates and cost of materials, it was determined that prices are not going down and the infrastructure is necessary. The City has already received $551,359 from AFPA Local Fiscal Funds, we would need to raise the rates to bring them up to loan requirements. Matt said this has been discussed for a long time, even in prior administrations, it needs to happen, and it is not getting any cheaper. Mike said this is not like the sewer lagoon where we were getting fined for non-compliance, we should get a schedule and either raise the rates a little at a time and to do the projects we have funding for. Vickie thought about doing the $627,000 for hydrants and $120,000 for valves with our current fee structure funding which would cover the expense over time, would that work for us. Tim said we really need to decide if we are going with the big project, because every town and city across the nation is doing projects which is putting a load on the availability of contractors and supplies; with all the deadlines attached to the money there is no guarantee we will be able to get the contractors. Tim said he would need to hire out the main valve replacement, in his opinion the main valves are the most important they should come before the hydrants. Vickie Rauser moved to continue with the full project, water tower and associated items as laid out in the Preliminary Engineering Report and to move forward with the application process for the minimum allocation funding, Matt West seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
Eric Kreuger, Pastor with Mountain Valley Church – He would like to get permission from the council to erect a sign pointing toward the church on the exist¬ing Tree City USA sign on the corner of E Street and Highway 287. The council informed him that he would need to get permission from the State of Montana, Dept. of Transportation as the sign is on the Highway Right of Way.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Peter spoke on the Noise Ordinance, he resent the email to the committee. The consensus was somewhere between Tree Forks or Conrad, Peter will write it up based on those two. Peter said the Building Permit Fee resolution will be ready for the next meeting.
Angie spoke to the council on the Solicitor Fee, they are looking at an annual fee; the committee is meeting again next Thursday.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Evans reported that we had a person fall down by the park, we have submitted the information to our insurance; they will handle it from there.
PUBLIC COMMENT/ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: Vickie reminded everyone to complete their Build a better Broadwater survey and get them turned in. Matt asked how the skatepark was looking, Tim replied someone spilled maple syrup in it and some kid was in there cleaning it up, no sprinklers yet as we are waiting for the Pavilion pad to get in place before we start digging. Matt would like for Tim to bring his street plan to the next budget meeting. Discussion ensued, Matt would like to see what streets have been chip sealed and what streets are next for needing done. Ken said in his opinion keep chip sealing every year, Vickie said let us know what you want done for this next fiscal year. Ken wanted to say thank you for doing the sand at the swings, the two ladies are incredibly happy. Nate asked about the crosswalks again when are they getting painted; Mayor will contact DOT. Mayor is going to talk to the construction firm at the school, they got a guy driving equipment at 30 mph with the forks out.
FINANCE/BUDGET: Clerk Ward reviewed each of the Budget amendments in the Council Packets:
BT #65: TO INCREASE BUDGET FOR ADDITIONAL YEAR END TRANS¬FERS - $6,000 from GF Fire to Fire Capital Projects and $12,000 from GF Streets to Streets Capital Projects. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #65; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #66: O INCREASE ELECTRICAL BUDGET TO ACCOUNTS FOR ELECTRIC RATE INCREASE - $1,633 for Special Lighting, $505 for GF Facilities Admin, $201 for GF Fire Protection, $92 for GF Parks, and $294 for GF Pool. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #66; Ken Urich seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #67: TO INCREASE BUDGET FOR 1-TON PICKUP PURCHASE FROM STATE - $2,166.67 for GF Streets, $2,166.67 for Water, and $2,166.66 for Sewer. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #67; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #68: TO INCREASE BUDGET TO MOVE FUNDING FROM SID RE¬VOLVING TO SID #6 - $7,250 from SID Revolving and $7,250 to SID #6. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #68; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #69: TO MOVE BUDGET WITHIN GENERAL FUND TO HELP COVER POOL SHORTAGES - $3,916 To GF Pool Wages, $293 To GF Pool Employer Contributions, $9 To GF Pool UI Contribution, $32 To GF Pool Workers Compensation, $1,747 To GF Pool Supplies, $5,997 from GF Planning Professional Services. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #69; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #70: TO INCREASE BUDGET FOR UTILITY CLERK NOT BUDGETED FOR - $2,388 To Water Payroll Expenses, $2,393 to Sewer Payroll Expenses, and $2,318 to Garbage Payroll Expenses. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #70; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #71: TO INCREASE WATER BUDGET FOR UNEXPECTED INCREASED EXPENDITURES - $9,000 Slurry for Water Digs, $700 Plumbing Repairs on Water Digs, $4,900 Generator Work, $3,500 Extra Water Testing, $800 Water Hydrant Meter, $800 Increased Fuel, $500 Increased Electrical, $2,700 Plumbing Supplies, $2,000 Tower Epoxy Repair, $1,200 Street Repairs from Water Digs, and $2,000 increased Accounting/Audit expense. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #71; Angie Wintrow seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
BT #73: TO INCREASE SEWER BUDGET FOR INCREASED EXPENDI¬TURES - $500 Increased Fuel, $500 Increased Electrical, $5,800 UV Repairs, $6,700 Building Insurance and $15,000 UV Lights. Vickie Rauser moved to approve BT #73; Ken Urich seconded the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.
The next Budget Meeting will be held August 2, 2022, after the Regular Meeting.
Mayor Evans then informed the council that the meeting with the Water Court Attorney went well and they are proceeding in our best interest.
ADJOURN: Vickie Rauser moved to adjourn, Ken Urich seconded, the motion carried with all council members present voting in favor.